053 Just an Undergroung Hippie – Video

Posted: Published on January 9th, 2013

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

053 Just an Undergroung Hippie
I #39;ve never been much interested in groupthink and this was how I navigated the sixties. I never spoke the lingo, never got into drugs, but I could relate to what a lot of folks were searching for and I learned a lot from that time of my life. Be very careful about signing TOTALLY onto any group. Whether it be a religion, a gun club, a gang, an artistic style, a style of music, a political party or membership in any group that expects a loyalty beyond what is naturally who you really are. This is difficult because we often join these groups at a time of vulnerability when we are seeking strength. We can learn much from the vast array of life perspectives. Just don #39;t jump into the deep end of radical thought unless you are willing to risk who you are as an individual. Good luck and happy hunting for who you really are or want to be.

By: DavesFreshToones

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053 Just an Undergroung Hippie - Video

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