300,000 epilepsy patients in Sri Lanka

Posted: Published on July 16th, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Don Asoka Wijewardena

The Island

Publication Date : 16-07-2014

Consultant neurologist Prof Ranjanee Gamage revealed that there were 300,000 epilepsy patients nine per every 1000 personsin Sri Lanka.

"According to medical research conducted on the nature of the disease, epilepsy was not an obstacle in achieving success in life," she said at a media conference held at the health education bureau.

Consultant paediatric neurologist Dr Pyara Ratnayake said that epilepsy commonly manifested itself during school years and adolescence.

The cause of that condition was brief, abnormal and electrical hyperactivity of the brain.

Dr Ratnayake added that some Sri Lankans were under the impression that epilepsy was a mental illness and that children suffering from epilepsy were mentally retarded.

Others assumed that epilepsy to be contagious. There were also beliefs that epilepsy was caused by unseen forces such as evil spirits.

Originally posted here:
300,000 epilepsy patients in Sri Lanka

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