9 Ways To Prevent a Stroke

Posted: Published on June 11th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Midlife women are twice as likely as men to have strokes, an alarming fact in and of itself. But what's even more alarming is that if you crunch the numbers, it just doesn't make any sense. Men smoke more, drink more, and see their doctors lessprobably to avoid confessing their sins. Cigarettes and alcohol up the risk of stroke, yet each year, about 55,000 more women than men suffer from them.

Part of the reason these numbers are so out of whack: babies (not directly of course, though some moms might beg to differ). Being pregnant ups your risk, as does pregnancy-related complications, like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Prebaby birth control pills also increase your chancesso do hormone replacement therapies to relieve menopause symptoms later in life. Mood might factor in as well: new research suggests depression could boost women's stroke risk; and women are 70 percent more likely than men to get depressed.

If you quit smoking, limit alcohol, eat more fruits and vegetables, and keep your weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar in check, you lower your likelihood of stroke.

Here are eight lesser-known ways to protect yourself, based on the latest research:

Lower Your Risk Of Heart Disease In 28 Days

We knowyou work, you have kids, errands to run, dinner to make, and an episode of Real Housewives to watch, so you barely have time to pee, let alone take 20 uninterrupted minutes to walk. Make the time. Even if you break it up into two 10-minute sessions, it's worth it: Walking a total of 2 hours a week can cut your stroke risk by 30 percent, according to a large study of nearly 40,000 women, conducted over a 12-year period. Walk briskly (so you can talk but not sing) and your chances are reduced by almost 40 percent.

Burn Belly Fat with This Walking Routine

The latter makes you 29 percent more likely to suffer from stroke, says a new study of more than 80,000 women. Why? Depressed women tend to smoke more, weigh more and exercise less; plus, they're more likely to have uncontrolled medical issues, like high blood pressure and diabetes, which can also increase stroke risk. Recognize depression symptoms and you can get proper treatment. Talk to your doctor if you: feel persistent sadness, anxiousness, or "emptiness"; hopeless; guilty, worthless or helpless; irritable; exhausted; if you lose interest in things you used to like; can't concentrate or sleep; overeat or lose your appetite; think about suicide or have aches and pains that don't go away even with treatment.

QUIZ: Are You Just SadOr Depressed?

More than 10 a night in la-la land may increase your stroke risk by up to 63%, compared with the recommended 7-hour stretch, say scientists at Harvard. And if you're especially loud in bedwhile snoring, that isstudies suggest you're twice as likely to develop metabolic syndrome, which is a cluster of conditions that raises your risk of stroke, as well as heart disease and diabetes.

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9 Ways To Prevent a Stroke

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