Greys Anatomy: Burke Is Back Cristina Reignites Old Flames

Posted: Published on May 2nd, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Burke is back. Yep. Cristinas former love returned to Greys Anatomy tonight, and trust us, their relationship is still as rocky as its ever been. Keep reading for all the juicy details on their long-awaited reunion!

We all know know thatSandra Oh is leavingGreys Anatomyat the end of this season, but will she run away with Burke (Isaiah Washington) for good? Plus, theyre not the only couple in the midst of a lovers quarrel.

The doctors meet in the board room to try to convince Cristina (Sandra Oh) to appeal her Harper Avery Award after all, she would have won it if she didnt work at aHarper-Avery owned hospital. Not fair!

I get it. Catherine Avery made a business decision. I moved on, said Cristina very firmly, and unconvincingly.

April (Sarah Drew)gets an ultrasound with Jackson (Jesse Williams)by her side, and as they see their teensy tiny bun in the oven, April asks, You dont want to terminate, do you? And Jackson says no, which we all know could very well mean yes inGreys Anatomy land.

Back to Cristina, shes at the airport all of a sudden! She heads to Zurich. Of course, being overseas cant stop her from being in touch with her other half, Meredith (Ellen Pompeo). She calls her to let her know what a great time shes having. Seems like a typical Cristina freak-out to us. At least we hope so she needs to come back!

Speaking of other halves, Derek (Patrick Dempsey) takes on a double-whammy of an operation. He has to separate siamese twins with his doctor twin sister. Not only is it an ultra difficult surgery, but his nagging sibling doesnt help.

Practically the entire staff watches the huge surgery. Yep, its one ofthose surgeries.

Meanwhile, Jo (Camilla Luddington) is failing at her surgery, and Hunt (Kevin McKidd) is having none of it. He screams at her, and so does Arizona (Jessica Capshaw). Where is Karev (Justin Chambers)when she needs him?!

Back in Zurich, Cristina is speaking at a medical conference when suddenly a man in the dark lecture hall begins to ask her an endless amount of questions. When the mysterious man stands up, its Burke! Yes, Preston Burke. Cristinas former love. Who left her in the chapel on her wedding day. BURKE. IS. BACK.

Originally posted here:
Greys Anatomy: Burke Is Back Cristina Reignites Old Flames

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