Christian ethicists concerned over ‘three parent baby’ IVF plan

Posted: Published on August 2nd, 2014

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Ben Birchall/PA Wire

Christian ethicists have joined scientists in expressing concern about the latest Government steps towards creating what have been dubbed "three-parent babies". The Church of England is among those calling for more research.

The Government last week published its response to a 12-week Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) consultation on draft regulations to permit the use of new techniques to prevent transmission of seriousmitochondrial disease from mother to child.

Some oppose the proposed IVF technique, "mitochondrial replacement therapy", because they believe it is a form of genetic modification and creates children with, in effect, three parents. The Government response emphasises that no nuclear DNA, which provides physical and other traits that children inherit from their parents, would be contributed from the donated female egg or embryo. The Government has consistently rejected claims that the techniquesconstitute genetic modification.

Critics are protesting in particular against the Government's working definition in the document of genetic modification to mean the modification only of nuclear DNA in the chromosome meaning that mitochondrial donation techniques are not being counted as actual genetic modification.

It is estimated that one in 6,500 children are born each year with serious mitochondrial DNA disorder which can have a "devastating" effect on families, says the Department of Health document, including premature death of children, painful and debilitating suffering, long-term illness and low quality of life. The intention is to avoid this by allowing the use of eggs and embryos where the damaged mitochondrdia are repleaced by healthy mitochondria from a donor.

Dr Helen Watt, senior research fellow of the Anscombe Centre, a Roman Catholic medical ethics centre, told Christian Today: "The tone of the report is reassuring, but the proposals are extraordinarily reckless with the lives and health of future generations. To remove the entire nuclear material from one egg or embryo and place it in another partially-gutted egg or embryo is hardly a minor intervention. It is absurd to deny that this is germ-line genetic modification, just because the nuclear material is left untouched when 'harvested' from a donor egg or worse, a donor embryo. After all, on that definition cloning from an adult human being would not be 'genetic modification' either."

She added: "These techniques treat no-one, they merely manufacture children by means which are hazardous not just to those particular children but to generations to come. It is far better for couples who wish to avoid passing on a condition linked to mitochondrial genes to adopt a child than to seek new ways to be genetically related to a child lab-produced in this destructive and fragmentary way."

Christian Concern said the proposals could herald serious health, social and ethical dangers.

The campaign group warned they could lead to "lasting emotional damage" to children and submit them to serious, irreversible health risks, which would pass from generation to generation.

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Christian ethicists concerned over 'three parent baby' IVF plan

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