DNA tests confirm venomous jellyfish washed up on N.J. beach, report says

Posted: Published on April 6th, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Montclair State University scientists have confirmed the jellyfish that washed up on the Jersey Shorelast year were venomous and dangerous sea creatures, reports say.

Through DNA testing, scientists have identified the beached crittersas box jellyfish, the Asbury Park Press is reporting, which won't put swimmers in the hospital but aremore dangerous than the average jellyfish at the shore.

Experts hope the rare sighting of the species stays rarein New Jersey, according to the report. The analysis showed a 93 to 94 percent match with genus Tamoya -- a jellyfish thatgenerally live in warm coastal waters with venom in its tentacles.

Craig McCarthy may be reached at CMcCarthy@njadvancemedia.com. Follow him on Twitter @createcraig. Find NJ.com on Facebook.

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DNA tests confirm venomous jellyfish washed up on N.J. beach, report says

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