Dad's bid to give young daughter Disneyland memories before she goes blind from rare eye disease

Posted: Published on February 14th, 2014

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

Police officer Chris Bent wants to raise enough money to take his Disney princess loving daughter Molly to see the magical kingdom before she loses her sight

A police officer is aiming to raise 2,500 to take his daughter to Disneyland before she goes blind.

PC Chris Bent and his pals are training hard for the Bupa Great Manchester Run to raise funds to create magical memories for little Molly.

The six-year-old suffers from retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic condition that causes patches on the retina at the back of the eye, affecting the field of vision.

For Molly, these symptoms are already noticeable and are getting profoundly worse.

Unfortunately there is no treatment or cure for Retinitis Pigmentosa.

Chris said: "We want to give Molly some great memories while she is still able to see most things."

"She is a little girl who loves Disney Princesses so friends are sponsoring us to run so we can take her to Disneyland Paris.

Mum Eve added: "All we can know is Molly's sight is deteriorating to a point where eventually she will lose her sight completely.

"Molly loves the world and animals. She wants to explore everywhere she can while she can. She is such an adventurous and confident child and takes every day in her stride."

Read this article:
Dad's bid to give young daughter Disneyland memories before she goes blind from rare eye disease

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