Can a new model help governance keep up with synthetic biology? – PLoS Blogs (blog)

Posted: Published on March 27th, 2017

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Synthetic biology is moving at a rapid pace, and regulations will need to keep up to allow useful technologies to hit the market while maintaining a high standard of safety. Since mostpolicymakers are not experts in all of the newest synthetic biology technologies, better analysis tools are needed to understand how to react. Sotworesearchers, ChristopherCummings and Jennifer Kuzma, from North Carolina State University and Nanyang Technological University builta model to determine how to prepare for handling the regulation new synthetic biology products.

This model for assessing risks of new synthetic biology technologies is called Societal Risk Evaluation Scheme (SRES) and it tries to make governance more anticipatory than just reactive. This is a tough problem. How do we predict the risks of technologies that dont exist yet? How do we assess products that seem totally new? The field of synthetic biology is pushing the boundaries of what we can do with and to biology.

To createthe model the researchers used a Delphi study,which is a structured way of developing forecasts and assessments using a panel of experts. Their Delphi study used four rounds: 1) Standardized open-ended interview to get qualitative data. 2) Online quantitative survey using questions formed using rounds 1. 3) A face-to-face workshop to discuss an ideal governance. 4) A final online survey to gauge opinions on the factors that would affect governance schemes identified in round 3. Experts had backgrounds inacademic research, government, industry and non-governmental organization positions thatdeal with the technological, policy or legal aspects.

Of ten potential case studies, the four cases presented to the expert panel were biomining using highly engineered microbes in situ, cyberplasm for environmental detection, de-extinction of the passenger pigeon, and engineered plant microbes to fix nitrogen on non-legumes.

As experts evaluated case studies and developed potential governance structures, they had to determine potential risks of new synthetic biology technologies.

For the SRES, the expert users evaluated information for eight categories:

This visual representation above makes all eight categories into an octagon on which current assessments of risk can be mapped using numerical scores for each category.

The SRES model is foremost a tool and not a formula for exactly what should be done. However, a tool that can start to identify the key problems and potential actions would be extremely useful for evaluatingtechnologies that seem totally new to regulators. In a press releaseco-author Jennifer Kuzma said, Governance can take many forms, from public engagement efforts to the development of regulations, but in order to determine what measures may be necessary, groups need to first identify relevant research, dialogue and information needs.

Hopefully governments andorganizations make use of modelslike SRES to domore anticipatory actions rather than just reactions to a problem. A key aspect could be identifying synthetic biology topics that need more public engagement. There are efforts like Building with Biology to engage the public but there isnt time or resources to discuss every possible synbio technology. By taking a broad view, tools like SRES can help us identify key areas to work on in policy and outreach.

Cummings, Christopher L., and Jennifer Kuzma. Societal Risk Evaluation Scheme (SRES): Scenario-Based Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Synthetic Biology Applications. PLoS One 12.1 (2017): e0168564.

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Can a new model help governance keep up with synthetic biology? - PLoS Blogs (blog)

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