Running your first marathon can reduce your heart age by 4 years – Times of India

Posted: Published on January 11th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

One of the most interesting fitness trends of the past decade was the rise of amateur marathoners. People who only saw gymming and yoga as workouts discovered that they could run marathons too and how! Every city has runners' group and the number of participants just continue to grow. Add to this, a recent study linked marathon running with good heart health. According to the study, which was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, first-time healthy marathon runners,who trained and completed a marathon experienced reduced blood pressure and aortic stiffening which was equivalent to a 4-year reduction in vascular age. We spoke to Dr Santosh Kumar Dora, Senior Cardiologist, Asian Heart Institute, who himself is a marathoner to know more. "Running keeps a person fit and heart healthy. Running decreases bad cholesterol, helps in losing body weight, prevents diabetes and improves the blood sugar in diabetic patients. Running also helps in preventing and controlling hypertension. Running is known to relieve stress and eliminate depression. All these positive factors associated with running helps in preventing heart disease and heart attack." However, for amateur marathon runners, he had a word of caution. "Anyone can take up running as an exercise form to stay healthy. However, as running is considered as a form of moderate to severe strenuous exercise, one should get evaluated by a physician prior to start running. It is especially true for persons with other ailments like diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, history of smoking, family history of heart disease. Persons who have a history of heart or lung ailment in the past which has been corrected also should see a physician to get fitness for running. Most people who are currently suffering from heart are lung diseases may not considered suitable for running as a mode of exercise." Furthermore, Dr Dora added, "Presently lots of amateurs have taken up running as a mode of exercise and participate in marathons. While running is considered a great way to keep oneself fit, one should understand that running a marathon is different. Marathon running is an extreme level of endurance exercise and needs lots of training and perseverance. One has to first get a medical clearance before training for a marathon. After that one should preferably join in a marathon running group guided by a coach to have the necessary training." Regular dynamic physical exercise is needed to stay healthy. Running is one such exercise. Other forms of dynamic exercises are Cycling, skipping, fast walking, swimming, playing outdoor games like badminton, table tennis, lawn tennis etc. Any of these exercises can be performed to stay healthy.

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Running your first marathon can reduce your heart age by 4 years - Times of India

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