Letter: Anybody you meet could have the virus — or get the virus – Yakima Herald-Republic

Posted: Published on May 26th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

To the editor This is a plea for us all to wear masks and keep socially distant when in public.

The COVID-19 virus, unlike wars and hurricanes, is invisible. Mixed with chronic conditions, it causes serious illness and death. Likewise, no one wears a sign saying, I have diabetes, hypertension, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, cancer, or a compromised immune system from medications. You likely know or come in contact with someone who looks healthy but is at risk for the most serious complications from COVID-19.

In Yakima County, 32% of people over 20 are obese, 29% have hypertension, 11% have diabetes, 10% have asthma and 7% have heart disease (doh.wa.gov). These conditions put them at risk for serious complications from COVID-19. People unknowingly infected with the virus may show no symptoms and can pass it on to others. So consider, anyone you pass by in the store could become quite ill from the virus you have or have the virus themselves.

Whether young and healthy or living with a chronic condition, before you go out in public, Think about it. Who could you be helping by wearing a mask and maintaining social distancing? Listen to our public health officials for guidance.


See the original post here:
Letter: Anybody you meet could have the virus -- or get the virus - Yakima Herald-Republic

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