Breaking down barriers to mental health – The Miami Times

Posted: Published on August 20th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

One in five U.S. adults experience mental illness each year, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and Black adults are 20% more likely to experience mental health issues compared to the general population.

The factors that cause or exacerbate mental illness are often found in higher numbers among minorities, said Dr. Rufus Spann, chief clinical officer with Henry Health, a culturally sensitive mental health organization. Tackling this problem requires a unique understanding of cultural differences.

Henry Health is headquartered in Washington, D.C., but has a teletherapy program to help people located anywhere via phone, computer or laptop. The company was founded by Kevin Dedner, a Black entrepreneur and the great-great-grandson of slaves, who has deep roots in public health.

The organization offers culturally intentional care delivered by therapists trained to treat any population dealing with emotional and mental health issues, and believes effective care follows three essential principles: it puts culture first, and it is evidence-based and built on best practices.

This means culture and life experiences are at the center of therapy. Patients can expect their narratives will be not only heard and acknowledged, but also put into perspective to help gain a greater understanding of their experiences.

Research shows therapists whose patients perceive them as having cultural humility deliver improved therapy outcomes, particularly critical when white therapists are working with minority clients. Cultural humility showing openness to other cultures and identities different from your own is necessary for a therapist to effectively address issues of race, ethnicity, class and culture. A scientifically validated tool is used to measure therapists cultural responsiveness and provides education and coaching to improve their cultural humility.

In addition to cultural considerations, therapy involves the noted clinical best practices of cognitive behavioral therapy and trauma-informed care. Cognitive behavior therapy is a widely used therapeutic technique that has lasting impacts on mental health outcomes, while trauma-informed care ensures patients have access to safe spaces to examine, process and transcend trauma.

Its normal to be unsure or hesitant about trying therapy. The stigma around mental health issues, especially in minority communities, can be difficult to overcome, but recognizing that you need help is the first step towards healing.

Get started with these tips from Men Thrive, a digital community designed by Black men, for Black men that focuses on providing the tools needed to thrive rather than simply survive.

Check in. Be honest with yourself about how and what youre feeling. Acknowledge your feelings even if you cant name them. It can be more powerful than you may think. Then schedule a wellness call to assess your current quality of mental and physical health.

Talk to your tribe. Decide what you need from the people closest to you, and in turn be that for them. Identify a moment you would normally say, Im good, when youre actually not, and talk about whats on your mind. Be honest if you dont know what to do with what you feel, and acknowledge that youre tired of ignoring it, bottling it in and feeling the pressure.

Seek culturally responsive advice. Look for information and advice from an expert, like a therapist, who has professional and cultural intelligence that relates to your experiences and story. Research shows treatment outcomes greatly improve when cultural and historical knowledge are included in the approach to care.

Engage in the process. Place your focus on showing up whole, operating with joy and living with power. Aggressively pursue actions required to achieve a thriving lifestyle.

Join a community. A sense of community is essential to improving your mental health. A resource like Men Thrive can give you access to a community and a set of powerful self-mastery tools such as live segments, podcasts and guided meditation.

Explore more advice and resources at or call 211 for local resources and referrals.

Breaking down barriers to mental health - The Miami Times

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