7XMOM: Praying, trusting, waiting to hold Dawn again – GoDanRiver.com

Posted: Published on January 20th, 2021

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

I am happy to report, though, that she received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine Dec. 31 and is due to get the second one Thursday.

I am in Group 1c to get the vaccine and was hoping by February I could have both doses and then, with both of us vaccinated, I could see her and hug her again. Then I found out that there really isnt is a clear plan for a post-vaccinated America and for now, the CDC says nursing facilities must continue with the guidelines regardless of vaccination status.

Apparently, the positivity rate in the community will greatly affect when I can see Dawn again. The rate today is almost 16%; it needs to be down to 5% for the virus to be considered manageable.

What is needed to accomplish that? Months ago I begged everyone to wear a mask so I could see Dawn again. Now I am begging people to get the vaccine on behalf of the 1.4 million residents of nursing homes across the U.S., people who havent seen their families except perhaps through the distortion of a glass window for now 310 days.

I know many of them and their families from The Virginia Home and from interviewing people for newspaper stories. They are lonely, afraid, bored and depressed. And they are dependent upon enough people taking the vaccine to make it safe enough to open their doors again.

I remember distinctly standing in line in an elementary school in Kansas and eating a sugar cube with the brand new polio vaccine on it. The specter of iron lungs and paralysis made us willing to pick up that little paper cup. And like everyone my age I bear the scar on my arm of the smallpox vaccination. The willingness of older generations to believe the scientists and take that vaccine has blessed the generations since those times.

7XMOM: Praying, trusting, waiting to hold Dawn again - GoDanRiver.com

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