Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy | Harch HBOT

Posted: Published on August 1st, 2022

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Our Services

Harch Hyperbarics offers precision-dosing of hyperbaric oxygen therapy customized to the patient, the patients condition, and the time of intervention in the disease process (days to years after the onset of the disease). This is done in hardshell chambers with the entire dosing range of pressures, and oxygen content. For more about personalized dosing of HBOT visit What Is HBOT.

Contrary to the historical practice of hyperbaric oxygen therapy where treatment is delivered based on rote protocols and a one size fits all approach Dr. Harch practices medicine according to the principles of personalized medicine. Personalized medicine recognizes that each person is distinctly different from every other person. A disorder that occurs in any patient affects that patient in a very individual fashion. Each patient and their disease, therefore, is idiosyncratic and specific to that patient only. High blood pressure, for example, can be caused by genetic/familial factors, vascular disease, obesity, excessive alcohol intake, chronic stress, etc. and there are over 75 medications that can be prescribed for hypertension once reversible causes have been addressed. But, which medication is right for you and your hypertension and what dose? The answers are determined by your physicians evaluation and your personal medical characteristics. The failure to treat each patient individually and dose them according to their disease and individual characteristics has led to the historically uneven results with HBOT and exposed the therapy to justified criticisms. At Harch Hyperbarics the approach with hyperbaric oxygen therapy is individualized dosing.

To facilitate this personalized dosing of HBOT Dr. Harch initially used SPECT brain imaging in 1989. While still using this valuable brain blood flow imaging modality he has refined this dosing to real-time live multi-dose in-chamber evaluation with quantitative EEG. For brain-based disorders this allows the opportunity to assess the response of a patients brain disorder to multiple different doses of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and guide a starting point for therapy. For non-brain-based conditions dosing is delivered based on the patients condition, Dr. Harchs decades of experience, the patients individual characteristics and co-morbid conditions, and their ongoing response to treatment.


For patients evaluated and treated in New Orleans who have demonstrated responsiveness to HBOT and require additional HBOT, but cannot return to New Orleans for further treatment Harch Hyperbarics offers Long-Term HBOT in your home. Harch Hyperbarics will install a chamber and train family members to treat the patient in a home setting.

In addition to HBOT services in New Orleans and Long-Term In-Home HBOT Harch Hyperbarics offers in-home concierge hyperbaric oxygen therapy with both hardshell and softshell hyperbaric chambers. A service first begun with the treatment of Tony Robbins in 2017 and continued with patients in multiple states this exclusive service is for patients who want the convenience of personalized in-home treatment by a trained technician or those who cannot travel for treatment to New Orleans and require or request technician-delivered HBOT. It is a turnkey service from consultation, evaluation, personalized dosing, usually with real-time in-chamber quantitative EEG, to installation of a chamber in your home, and operation of the chamber by Harch Hyperbarics trained staff. The service was developed and overseen by Juliette Harch, RN as an outreach of her private duty in-home nursing service in Manhattan, NY. Patients remain under the constant care of Dr. Harch for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. It is an expensive service, but the ultimate experience in personalized hyperbaric oxygen therapy. For more information contact the Harch Hyperbaric staff at 504-309-4948.

Harch HBOT is the private practice of Dr. Paul Harch, the international expert in hyperbaric oxygen therapy. His treatment program for patients is unmatched. We aim to give people back their lives with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Located in New Orleans, Louisiana, many patients come to us from outside of the New Orleans area. In fact, patients from over 50 countries have come to New Orleans to receive HBOT under Dr. Harchs guidance. Learn more about how Dr. Harch can help you heal with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT, is a medical treatment that enhances the bodys natural healing processes. It is a simple, non-invasive, and painless treatment. The combination of increased atmospheric pressure and increased percentage of oxygen in a total body chamber treats a wide variety of medical conditions. It is also commonly referred to as oxygen treatment, hyperbaric therapy, or hyperbaric oxygen treatment.

Under normal circumstances, oxygen is transported throughout the body by red blood cells with a tiny amount also dissolved in plasma, the liquid portion of the blood. When oxygen is delivered under pressure much greater amounts of oxygen are dissolved in plasma where it is more readily available for transfer to all of the tissues and fluids in the body, such as the central nervous system fluid, the lymphatic system, connective tissue, all solid organs, and bone. In the smallest blood vessels, plasma blood flow carries the increased oxygen to areas where circulation is diminished or blocked. In this way, adequate oxygen can reach all of the damaged tissues, especially those where healing is delayed or diminished. Once sufficient oxygen is delivered to these damaged tissues, the oxygen reduces swelling. This greatly enhances the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria and stimulates new blood vessels to grow more rapidly into the affected areas.

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy | Harch HBOT

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