Jail for Loftus high street pharmacy raider

Posted: Published on February 4th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

A PHARMACY raider was caught red-handed outside the ransacked chemist’s with a bag full of drugs within hours of his jail release.

Paul Jefferson, 37, was found and searched at the back of the Lloyds Pharmacy on Loftus high street.

He had a bottle of aftershave from the store and a bag of prescription medication which was discarded nearby, Teesside Crown Court heard.

Hours earlier he had been released after almost two months remanded in custody.

At first he denied being responsible for the burglary but had a change of heart and owned up two days later, said prosecutor Rachel Masters.

Jefferson, of Catherine Street, Lingdale, admitted burglary and possessing a small amount of amphetamine, a Class B drug.

The offences from November 29 last year put him in breach of a suspended sentence imposed two months earlier for another burglary. His record of 106 offences stretched back to 1990.

Julian Gaskin, defending, said Jefferson acted as a lookout while others went into the pharmacy.

He said Jefferson had been thrown out by his landlord because the police had been to his lodgings so many times. Jefferson ended up hanging around with the wrong crowd and taking drugs again. He was making “significant headway” coming off drugs and was said to be supported by his grandparents - though they also have a restraining order against him.

Judge Peter Bowers told Jefferson: “Your problem is that burglaries in chemist shops where drugs are stolen are, in my judgment, very serious matters. This court has got to be tough on those who are caught.”

He jailed Jefferson for 22 months.

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Jail for Loftus high street pharmacy raider

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