dengers of ADHD ADD DieVanse medication side effects GlaxoSmithKline settlement 3 billion – Video

Posted: Published on July 11th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

10-07-2012 23:59 NOTE - this video is not intended to dismiss the seriousness of ADD or ADHD - it is only a comedy. In the video poor Eddy is the unlucky 1 millionth customer that has all the side effects of his medication including permanent mental damage, tics, nausea, cardiovascular reaction, vomiting, nervousness and sudden death. Like many comedies there is a serious side to the video. Matt the writer / producer was the unfortunate 1 in 1000 once and suffered severe stomatitss in which the whole inside of the mouth becomes a canker sore as a reaction to a drug for pink eye. With GlaxoSmithKline / GSK recently pleading guilty to medical fraud and paying the largest ever such settlement of 3 billion dollars one can question the safety of new drugs. Psychiatric drugs in particular seem to troubled past with some drugs more reliably causing the side effects than curing the symptoms intended by usage. The idea was inspired when a video came on for a drug and there were so many side effects that I literally thought I switched the channel to a Saturday Night Live commercial. Special thanks to Halkidiki the Macho Doll for letting me use some of her video clips. Visit her, get in shape and subscribe at:

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dengers of ADHD ADD DieVanse medication side effects GlaxoSmithKline settlement 3 billion - Video

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