Official – drugs a massive problem!

Posted: Published on July 16th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

By Leo Olivero Last week during the budget session the Government described drugs as a massive problem the Police Authority said the issue is of considerable concern the PDP have said of the need to eliminate the alcohol and drugs problem amongst our youth the Courts of have warned of their concern also Organisations and Groups have repeatedly registered their own concerns on drugs Parents and Families particularly those who have had a direct drug issue to contend with have also expressed their strong opinions You would think that just about covers everyone in Gibraltar? Well, you would be wrong!

The GSD opposition still in complete drugs denial

The GSD now in Opposition as they were when in Government are still in Complete Denial regarding drug abuse in Gibraltar. But this is to be expected, particularly after they did very little during their term in office to tackle this serious and growing social problem. In fact reading Mr, Nettos the shadow spokesman for social services budget address there was no mention relating to the drug problem as such yet I say again, no surprises there for me after the calamitous handling by the GSD of the serious drug problem, something that was unfolding in front of their eyes!

I think most people know my strong views regarding the manner drugs abuse was handled over the last 10 years in particular. Drug abuse in Gibraltar is in the state that it is, because of the pathetic and docile manner in which the paper thin GSD drug strategy was allowed dissipate soon after it was launched in 2003, it was a pitiful continuous attempt, over many years of duping this community and convincing them that the drugs issue was not as bad as people like me were making out

Drugs problem played down for years

For to many years drug abuse was played down, not only by the then government but by official agencies that were also doing a dangerous disservice to the community. I am sure that Panorama readers and many others I have spoken to over the years on this matter will not be surprised that the local drugs problem has practically spiralled out of control. Many are NOW SHOCKED they have finally realised how bad the drug situation is in Gibraltar. The Police Authority is a good example because if someone in authority like them, had taken heed or even contacted me after the dozens of articles I wrote on this matter warning of all the repercussions - we are now experiencing today

But as suppose it would be easy to say it is all water under the bridge and now with a another government and a different focus hopefully things will get better, I hope this will be the case; but I will never forget that due to the irresponsible attitude towards drugs of the last ten years, many people mostly youngsters and countless families got themselves involved and entered a living hell and in my view this can never be forgotten. Because The Last Government Failed to Protect This Community!!!

Public have been concerned about drugs for years

The Police Authority say in their recently published report that the Supply and Misuse of Drugs was a major concern of the public in the Authoritys questionnaire which went up from 45% this year compared with 39% the previous year. Well of course people are concerned its nothing new! The public has been concerned for many years regarding all related drug and alcohol issues. The problem has been that the last Government, Police Authority and others did very little about it!!

The considerable concern the Police Authority say they have in relation to drug trafficking offences importing drugs, possession of drugs with intent to supply and supplying/offering drugs is well justified, because its blatant for all to see that the 170% hike in the importation of drugs is a tremendously worrying aspect to the present situation.

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Official - drugs a massive problem!

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