Pharmacy dean to step down in September 2013

Posted: Published on July 18th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Jeanette Roberts, dean of the UW-Madison School of Pharmacy, says the public policy and political sides of health care have always interested her. After a 10-year run as the head of the UW Systems only pharmacy school, Roberts plans to step aside next year to pursue that passion.


Roberts announced this week that she will step down as dean effective Sept. 1, 2013.

Roberts was named pharmacy schools dean in June 2003 after spending 15 years as an academic administrator and professor at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy.

Provost Paul M. DeLuca Jr. praised Roberts for her leadership and vision.

Under the guidance of Dean Roberts, the School of Pharmacy has continued to build on its reputation as a premier institution on a global scale, and a critical component of the health care system in the state of Wisconsin, DeLuca says.

The most recent U.S. News rankings of pharmacy programs put UWMadisons fifth among more than 100, up from ninth the previous year and ahead of programs at Ohio State University and the University of Michigan.

In addition, the World Education Congress recently named the school Best Educational Institute in Pharmacy in the world.

The school would not be thriving as it is without the unwavering leadership of Jeanette Roberts, and she leaves it in excellent condition for her successor, DeLuca said.

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Pharmacy dean to step down in September 2013

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