Software engineer claims generic version of Propecia turned him into a woman

Posted: Published on July 22nd, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

This baldness cure was a bust.

For nine months, William McKee took the generic version of Propecia, the pills that promise to halt hair loss.

But the drug had radical side effects: Instead of becoming a better-looking man, he started becoming a woman, he claims.

My rock-hard chest from the gym began to soften . . . reaching the point where I had noticeable breasts even under my clothing, he says.

Among other changes, the 38-year-old software engineer claims, my shoulders were literally falling into a more feminine position, and my hips were loosening and becoming wider, as on a womans body.

ALTER BOY: William McKee goes by Mandi these days; he says a baldness treatment made him a gay cross-dresser.

McKee, who says he wasnt inclined to cross-dress before, began feeling like a woman. He is now only attracted to men.

After overcoming depression and separating from his wife of 10 years, McKee goes by Mandi. He wears a blond wig, makeup and tight dresses. He plans to get a breast-enhancement job this year, and may undergo sex-change surgery.

It felt like the me that Ive always known was not there any more, he told The Post.

Propecia inhibits the conversion of testosterone, resulting in increased estrogen. Millions have used it since the 1990s, but it has been linked to sexual problems such as impotence, loss of libido and genital shrinkage as well as cognitive impairment, or brain fog, which McKee believes he also suffered.

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Software engineer claims generic version of Propecia turned him into a woman

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