Two face court after drugs raids

Posted: Published on August 10th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

10 August 2012 Last updated at 11:21 ET

Two people have appeared in court charged with drugs offences after police raids in Limavady on Thursday in which seven houses were searched.

Dean McDaid, 32, and Laura Forrest, 21, both of Glenbank Walk in Limavady were charged with possessing mephedrone with intent to supply on 9 August.

Both were also charged with possessing cannabis and Ms Forrest with possessing Diazapam on the same date.

The court was told several other people were arrested during the raids.

A prosecution lawyer told Londonderry Magistrates Court police had entered the defendants' house and found them both in bed with a mat with white powder and a rolled up 5 note on it.

They also found a quantity of cannabis, two sets of scales, 100 gms of white powder, a bag marked not fit for human consumption and small plastic bags.

Police also seized a mobile phone and two SIM cards.

Ms Forrest told police she had bought the white powder from a website and believed it to be a legal high.

She said the scales were for cooking and weighing jewellery for selling.

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Two face court after drugs raids

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