Sydney businessman fights fatal crash ticket

Posted: Published on November 1st, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

The lawyer for Parker Rudderham, a prominent businessman in Sydney, says his client will fight a ticket he was given after a traffic accident that killed a motorcyclist last month.

Joel Pink, Rudderham's lawyer, said he will plead not guilty to a charge of failing to operate a motor vehicle in a careful and prudent manner. The charge carries a fine of $399.91 and six demerit points.

Pink said he's waiting for disclosure of police evidence before proceeding.

John MacLeod MacDonald, 67, died last month when his motorcycle was struck from behind by a sport utility vehicle.

Rudderham was driving the SUV, say Cape Breton Regional Police.

Stan MacDonald, John MacDonald's brother, said he's upset Rudderham was only issued a ticket.

The Cape Breton Regional Police defended its decision.

"As part of the investigation, police explored all aspects that could include, or did include environmental conditions, road conditions, mechanical inspections on both vehicles, conducted interviews and statements from various witnesses, and looked at basically all avenues of why, or reasons why, Mr. Rudderham did not see the motorcycle slowing down in front of him," said Desiree Vassallo, a spokeswoman for the Cape Breton Regional Police.

Vassallo said police did a thorough investigation and ruled out dangerous driving, speeding, texting or impairment.

"Police ruled out any of those factors so he was charged under the Motor Vehicle Act for not operating his vehicle in a careful and prudent manner," she said.

More here:
Sydney businessman fights fatal crash ticket

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