Study: Hundreds of rare disease drugs in testing

Posted: Published on January 17th, 2013

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

WASHINGTON (AP) -- For the nearly 30 million Americans who suffer from a rare disease, there's heartening news: Drugmakers have been shifting much of their research away from pills for the millions to uncommon disorders that often kill prematurely because there are few or no treatment options.

Pharmaceutical and biotech companies are running patient tests of more than 5,400 potential new medicines, including many being tested for multiple conditions. Nearly 1,800 research projects are for rare diseases, and hundreds more are for disorders for which there's been no new medicine in a decade or more. That's according to a study to be released Thursday, sponsored by the trade group Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, known as PhRMA.

The study also found that thousands of those experimental drugs could be the first in a new medicine class with a unique target or effect, including 45 percent of 1,100 drugs that made it to the final patient testing stage. At least 577 use new technologies, from gene therapy to cloned antibodies, to precisely target the disease site and limit side effects elsewhere. And at least 155 are part of a long-awaited vanguard of personalized medicine, in which gene variations or other characteristics help doctors determine whether a medicine will help a specific patient.

"It's past due," but encouraging that drug companies are focusing more on rare disorders, said Christy Greeley of Lake Forest, Ill., whose 12-year-old son Jack has a rare genetic metabolic disorder called cystinosis.

Just several hundred U.S. children have cystinosis, in which an amino acid accumulates into crystals in multiple organs. That can stunt growth and cause thyroid and muscle problems, diabetes and eye damage, even blindness. The crystals also damage kidneys, so the children eventually need a transplant. That used to occur by age 10, but taking multiple medicines can delay it into their 20s.

Jack was very sick and needed a feeding tube as a toddler. One of the eight medicines he now takes, Cystagon, limits the crystal formation, but it causes nasty stomach problems and other side effects. It must be taken every six hours, including a middle-of-the-night dose.

"There's no cure," said his mother, who hopes for one but says Jack is doing better than many children with rare disorders for which there's no treatment.

They're getting more attention for several reasons.

Improved understanding of the biology and genetics of diseases is opening up new research avenues. An unprecedented wave of new generic competition for blockbuster pills that brought drugmakers billions each year has nudged them to do more in neglected areas, trying to develop "specialty" or niche drugs meant for much smaller groups of patients but carrying six-figure price tags. And more companies are taking advantage of grants, tax credits and other incentives of the Orphan Drug Act passed in 1983. In the preceding decade, only 10 drugs for rare diseases had been approved, but more than 350 were approved from 1984 through 2011.

"In all the years I've been working with rare diseases, I think this is the most hopeful period I've seen," said Mary Dunkle, who's worked at the National Organization for Rare Disorders for 14 years. "It's very encouraging." The group pushes for research and provides information and help finding financial assistance for patients with more than 7,000 rare disorders conditions affecting fewer than 200,000 Americans.

See more here:
Study: Hundreds of rare disease drugs in testing

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