Ann Romney: Shock of MS diagnosis

Posted: Published on May 10th, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Ann Romney said Thursday that it felt like a rug being pulled from underneath you when she found out about her multiple sclerosis diagnosis.

Romney, in a brief clip from an interview airing in full Friday on Foxs Americas Newsroom, described the time after her diagnosis in 1998 as a hard time in my life.

Its like a rug being pulled out from underneath you, she said. And then what are you left with? And then you really have to evaluate. Who am I? Who am I really? Am I just what is identified as a teacher, a mother, you know, a professor, a business person? Those labels that we have that we so identify with in life. If everything is taken away from us, what are you really left with?

Ann Romney credited her husband Mitt with giving her the greatest strength to cope with her new life with MS.

And thats where I was, and its a struggle, she said. And it was a hard time in my life. And for Mitt, thats where he gave me the greatest strength. He was the one reminding me that it wasnt what I did why he loved me, it was who I was, was how much he loved me and cared for me and not to worry about those things and not to think that life wasnt going to be still rich without doing all those things.

See the original post:
Ann Romney: Shock of MS diagnosis

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