The scurry for a spinal injuries cure

Posted: Published on June 1st, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Step toward cure: A treatment which has allowed paralysed rats to walk again could be developed to help human victims of spinal injury. Source: Supplied

IT WAS one small step for a rat, but it may be one giant leap for mankind.

Rats paralysed by spinal injuries have learned to walk, and run, again after groundbreaking treatment which awakens the spinal brain and helps the spine to repair itself.

Australian experts yesterday hailed the successful research as bringing science to the edge of a truly profound advance in modern medicine by allowing paralysed people to walk again.

Swiss scientists who have spent five years investigating how the brain and spine can adapt to injury, injected a chemical solution into the rats which stimulated neurons in their spines.

The cocktail of drugs, aided by electrical stimulation, strengthened the signals normally sent by the brain down the spinal cord in healthy rats, and when the tests rats, which had severely damaged, but not completely severed, spinal cords, were placed in special harnesses, they could walk.

After a couple of weeks of neurorehabilitation with a combination of a robotic harness and electrical-chemical stimulation, our rats are not only voluntarily initiating a walking gait, but they are soon sprinting, climbing up stairs and avoiding obstacles, Gregoire Courtine from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausann said.

This is the world-cup of neurorehabilitation - our rats have become athletes when just weeks before they were completely paralysed. I am talking about 100 per cent recuperation of voluntary movement.''

The breakthrough also relied on Dr Courtine's previous research, which he called investigating the spinal brain and which had shown a rat's spinal column could take over modulating leg movement even when separated from the rat's brain.

This revealed that only a very weak signal from the brain was needed for the animals to initiate movement of their own volition, and the new combination of chemical injections and electric stimulation also worked.

Read the rest here:
The scurry for a spinal injuries cure

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