12-06-2012 13:20 - The Autism Treatment Center of America™, founded in 1974 by Samahria Lyte Kaufman and Barry Neil Kaufman, teaches parents a unique autism treatment called The Son-Rise Program®. The Son-Rise Program is a loving, accepting, home based approach that parents use to connect with their children and help them emerge from autism and other developmental disorders. It was awarded the Best Autism Therapy at the AutismOne National Conference. Brandon had been diagnosed with autism when he was two years old and the doctors said that there was nothing they could do. But they didn't give up. They flew from Northern Ireland to Massachusetts to attend the Son-Rise Program® Start-Up Training Course at the Autism Treatment Center of America™. They have been running a Son-Rise Program® in their home, playing and working with Brandon. Now, despite the doctors' predictions, Brandon is recovering from autism! Once he didn't speak. He didn't respond to his name. He spent hours watching the same video over and over, He had no interaction with his parents or anyone else. Now Brandon is in mainstream school. He has conversations, makes jokes and plays with his friends. He is a happy and social young boy. The Son-Rise Program®can change your child's future . . . • You are your child's best guide and resource • You join your child in their world rather than forcing them to conform to a world they don't understand • Your child's own motivation ignites their interest to join ...
See original here:
Autism Recovery Using The Son-Rise Program®: Brandon, Recovering From Autism - Video