Judge orders HRC Medical Centers to stop making misleading claims in advertising

Posted: Published on December 30th, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons

A judge has ordered a company specializing in hormone replacement to stop making false and misleading claims in its advertising.

The court says HRC Medical Centers intentionally did not tell patients about the potential risks of the treatments.

HRC Medical Centers operates three clinics in Tennessee, including one in Knoxville. The company is accused of not telling patients about possible health risks and side effects of its bio-medical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT.

Back in October, the state attorney general's office launched an investigation into the procedures.

Friday, a Davidson County court judge issued a temporary injunction prohibiting HRC from making claims that its hormone therapy is safe, involves no cancer risk, and has no or minimal side effects. According to the general's office, the hormone therapy can cause blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, cancer and other side effects in both men and women.

In past interviews with 10News, former HRC Chief Officer Dan Hale said their procedures are safe.

Friday the judge also appointed a Nashville attorney to take full control and operate HRC. The attorney general's office says it's pleased with the ruling.

Anyone who has taken HRC's bio-medical hormone replacement therapy is encouraged to contact his or her health care provider as soon as possible.

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Judge orders HRC Medical Centers to stop making misleading claims in advertising

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