Dystonic Cerebral Palsy Treatment
He is a known case of Dystonic Spastic Cerebral Palsy. History of full term cesarean section delivery and mild respiratory distress at birth leading to hypoxic brain injury. Parents noticed delayed motor milestones in him at the age of 6 months, so consulted doctors and he was diagnosed as Cerebral Palsy. He has poor sitting balance and trunk control.He has poor oromotor control and is on semi solid diet. Functionally, he is dependent for all ADL and mobility After Stem Cell Therapy 1. His neck holding is better. 2. His sitting balance has improved can sit comfortably for half hours. As compared, it was hardly 10 minutes earlier. 3. His alertness has improved. 4. He is able to do more weight bearing, on sitting and standing. 5. Also able to balance upper body, much better than earlier on standing (at standing frame) upto 30 min. 6. When made to stand with support at the waist, earlier he would bend forward his knees would buckle. Now he is able to weightbear better and supports the upper body legs. 7. Opens up his arms much more than before, indicating reduced spasticity. 8. His overall tone has improved from hypotonic to normal mostly in trunk region 9. Vocalization has increased than before. Monosyllable words have become clear than before and now he can repeat a sentence of almost 3-4 words. 10. Also tongue movements have improved. He earlier used to gulp the squashed food. Now he has initiated chewing. Overall, response to commands has improved. Stem Cell ...
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Dystonic Cerebral Palsy Treatment - Video