Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury
He is a paraplegic has history of fall from height in 1993, leading to fracture D4 and paraplegia with complete bowel bladder loss. He was managed conservatively and has been undergoing rehabilitation since then. Neurologically, he is hypertonic and hyperflexic. On examination: he has sensory loss below T4. He has grade 0 muscle power in bilateral lower extremity and near normal upper extremity. He has no bowel and bladder control and is on condom catheter. He has bilateral knee flexion contracture =10. On ASIA impairment scale he scores #39;A #39;. On investigation: MRI: 6/7/2012: Wedge compression of the D4 vertebral body with a focal area of scarring within the spinal canal involving the arachnoid and the spinal cord at D3-4 level. A large cord syrinx extending cranially upto C4vetebral level with a smaller syrinx extending caudally up to D7 vertebral level. EMG / SSEP: It is suggestive of a severe lesion affecting the posterior column conduction from both lower limbs. There is evidence of predominantly Upper motor neurone lesion affecting the lower limbs. Functionally, he needs assistance in most ADL and wheel chair bound for mobility. Stem Cell Therapy done at NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute Surana Sethia Hospital Sion-Trombay Rd, Suman Ngr Opp Corporate Park, Chembur, Mumbai -- 71. Tel : 022 - 25283706, 022 - 25281610, Mob : +91 9920 200 400
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