Businesses’ blue lights help raise autism awareness

Posted: Published on April 2nd, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

This time last year, a dozen Rock Hill businesses shined blue lights to spread the word about autism.

Tonight, nearly three times as many will do it again.

For the second year in row, businesses in Rock Hill will Light It Up Blue in support of families affected by autism and a worldwide campaign aiming to raise awareness about the developmental disorder that studies show afflicts about one in 110 people in the United States.

The businesses that participated last year were very quick to jump on board again, said Tobie Presler, founder and director of Rock Hills Chrysalis Autism Center, a nonprofit early intervention center for autistic children that spearheaded the campaign locally last year, as well.

By Monday, 35 businesses had agreed to give donations in exchange for light bulbs that will radiate blue tonight in honor of the Light It Up Blue, started by Autism Speaks, the worlds leading autism research and advocacy agency, in 2010 to celebrate Worldwide Autism Awareness Day.

April is national Autism Awareness Month.

Last year was the first time Rock Hill participated in the initiative, which will see citizens worldwide adorn city landmarks, their homes and even their clothing with blue lights to raise awareness about the disorder. Landmarks that have shined blue lights include the Empire State Building, Niagara Falls and the Paris Stock Exchange.

Spreading the word about autism, nationally and locally, is paramount, Presler said, especially when trying to support the families that daily face challenges and difficulties.

Parents with autistic children are literally tied, in many instances, to their home and their child, she said.

Preslers work with autistic children, a God-given passion, started while she was a special education teacher in the Clover school district. An autistic child was soon enrolled into one of her classes.

Read the rest here:
Businesses’ blue lights help raise autism awareness

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