Lakeview NeuroRehabilitation Center’s COO Tina Trudal Addressing Technology in Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Posted: Published on August 3rd, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Effingham, NH (PRWEB) August 02, 2013

Highlighted in a recent issue of The Brain Injury Professional, Tina Trudel of Lakeview NeuroRehabilitation Effinghamn, NH speaks out on the advancement of neurorehabilitation through applied technology:

According to Trudel, The World Congress is now the World Association of Neurotechnology and has evolved as an international on-line forum ( covering the areas of neuroresearch, neuropsychiatry, neuroplasticity, neurooncology and neurosurgery. "Myself and others have sought a space for applied technology and neurorehabilitation within this realm of high-tech, heady science," stated Trudel. "In this arena, technology transfer, venture capital, clinical trials, government approvals and intellectual property rights are as passionately discussed as any scientific findings, and clinical rehabilitation applications share the screen with nanobots carrying designer molecules across the blood brain barrier."

Technology is evolving far more rapidly than most of us realize. In 2010, Trudel presented clinical technology in applied neurorehabilitation pilot studies. These included projects with colleagues at the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center-Charlottesville/University of Virginia on selection of GPS systems for community orientation; driving simulation and Lakeviews pilot study in use of computerized instruction technology. Other presenters at the 2010 World Congress of Neurotechnology were addressing early stages of device development, computerized assessment, use of advanced MRI, EEG, PET scan and related techniques, neuromodulation via application of transcranial magnetic stimulation, therapy avatars, robotic treatment, etc.

According to Trudel, "Technology holds great promise for all of us, with or without brain injury, to master its growing potential and enhance our lives across various domains. However, in that process, we must exercise caution that technology does not master us. Ultimately, quality of life hinges on relationships, a sense of accomplishment and productivity, personal empowerment, choice and control, enriching experiences, moments of awe and wonder, and so many other things that technology can either impede or enrich, depending on its implementation."

Further, there is always the risk that for every amazing new technologically advanced device, program or treatment that emerges to assist persons with Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI) in rehabilitation and community integration, the general publics use of technology to interact and communicate may further isolate people from one another, a phenomena that can have uniquely adverse impacts on individuals post TBI.

"While quantitatively I have experienced significant growth in speed, automation, and productivity, I am not always sure that such changes translate to quality of life," said Trudel. "Surely my greatest joy of the week was walking the woodlands with my family, quietly conversing and picking wild blueberries slowly, by hand."

About Tina M. Trudel For the past eight years, Dr. Trudel has served as the Chief Operating Officer of Lakeview Systems. Prior to that, she served as director of Lakeview Rehabilitation Center, Effingham, NH for 10 years. Dr. Trudel oversees Lakeviews hospital, residential and community-integrated programs nationwide. She has served as the Site Director and Senior Scientist/Research Coordinator of the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center at Virginia NeuroCare (2005-2013). Dr. Trudel chaired the Brain Injury Long Term Issues Task Force of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine for over a decade, and is a board member of the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA), the North American Brain Injury Society and the Sara Jane Brain Foundation and a reviewer for the National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research TBI Model Systems. Dr. Trudel was recently re-elected President of the BIAAs Business and Professional Council. She was honored with the BIAA Founders Award in 2008 for her dedicated service, advocacy and extraordinary achievement in the field of brain injury rehabilitation.

To find out more about Lakeview Rehabilitation Center in Effingham, NH, visit their website

This article originally appeared in Vol. 9 Issue 3 of the 2012 Brain Injury Professional publication.

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Lakeview NeuroRehabilitation Center’s COO Tina Trudal Addressing Technology in Brain Injury Rehabilitation

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