Stroke Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention & Rehabilitation | Rush

Posted: Published on November 2nd, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, provides comprehensive medical treatment for stroke and related conditions, from immediate treatment for people experiencing a stroke to specialized follow-up care for those coping with the aftermath of a stroke or stroke-related condition.

Earning the "Gold Seal of Approval," the Rush Stroke Program has been certified by the Joint Commission as a primary stroke center.This certification recognizes hospitals that make exceptional efforts to foster better outcomes for stroke care. Rush specialists in stroke, other cerebrovascular conditions and neurological critical care provide care for people with cerebrovascular disorders in both the inpatient and outpatient settings.

In addition, the Stroke Program at Rush was recently awarded theGold Plus Performance Achievement Award by the American Stroke Association.

The award recognizes Rush's commitment and success in implementing a higher standard of stroke care by achieving 85 percent or higher adherence to all Get With the Guidelines-Stroke Performance Achievement indicators for two or more consecutive 12-month intervals and achieving 75 percent or higher compliance with six of 10 Get With the Guidelines-Stroke Quality Measures, which are reporting initiatives to measure quality of care.

Rush has developed a comprehensive system for rapid diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients admitted to the emergency department. This includes always being equipped to provide brain imaging scans, having neurologists available to conduct patient evaluations and using clot-busting medications when appropriate.

Our Mission

The mission of the Stroke Program at Rush University Medical Center is to reduce the risk and morbidity of cerebrovascular disease through multidisciplinary efforts in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.

To make an appointment or refer a patient, please call (312) 942-4500

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Stroke Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention & Rehabilitation | Rush

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