Health: The many benefits of a support group

Posted: Published on January 5th, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

BARBARAELLEN KOCH FILE PHOTO | At Peconic Bay Medical Center in Riverhead, individuals dealing with epilepsy met recently to discuss their experiences.

Sitting around a conference table at Peconic Bay Medical Center on a recent Monday evening, a group of eight individuals met to discuss experiences with a somewhat common disorder epilepsy.

A person who has two or more unprovoked seizures is considered to have epilepsy. While many factors, such as a high fever or lack of oxygen, can cause seizures, those happening without such causes are attributed to epilepsy.

One in 10 adults will suffer from a seizure sometime during their lives, according to the nonprofit Epilepsy Foundation, and epilepsy is the third most common neurologic disorder in the United States after Alzheimers disease and stroke.

Group members, ranging from sufferers aunts and grandmothers to those living with the disorder themselves, each gave advice based on their own experiences offering fellow group members a common sentiment: Youre not alone.

Were out here on the East End, and it can feel like we are alone. It is very hard sometimes, said Charlie Peterson, who has been dealing with epilepsy for most of his life.

He started the Riverhead group so people could seek support from local community members.

Learning from those immediately affected by epilepsy is often just as important as hearing from health professionals, he said.

In people with epilepsy, instead of the brains sending electrical energy in an orderly manner, brain cells keep firing, causing a surge of energy through the brain. This surge often results in a seizure, according to the nonprofit. More than six different types of seizures are commonly associated with epilepsy and can include convulsions, muscle spasms and altered consciousness, but they can also be just odd sensations and brief episodes of staring into space, according to the foundation.

A woman named Charlene was visiting the group for the first time, seeking information on how to help her 6-year-old grandson, who was recently diagnosed with epilepsy.

Read this article:
Health: The many benefits of a support group

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