The Times Have Published Only Half the Story, Says Specialist Stem Cell Bank BioEden

Posted: Published on August 21st, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

(PRWEB UK) 21 August 2014

The success of stem cell medicine does not depend on funding alone

Funding is of the upmost importance but access to the right material is vital.

Stem Cell Banking of a childs own stem cells for potentially a lifetime of use, is a way of storing their health for their future. So it is vital that the right stem cells are available for treatment when they are needed at any time in their life.

Tony Veverka, Group CEO of specialist stem cell bank BioEden says, "Funding is of the upmost importance so that research can continue, but access to the right material is vital."

Gaining access to the right material for stem cell therapy has dramatically simplified since BioEden pioneered an entirely non-invasive method of taking stem cells from children's baby teeth. No longer is there just the option of stem cells from embryos, bone marrow or cord blood, but the option of taking quality cells from the baby tooth after it has fallen out naturally.

BioEden believes it can cut NHS funding dramatically by individuals banking their own stem cells, and they continue to call for clarity and transparency so that a prolonged and healthier life is accessible to all.

See more here:
The Times Have Published Only Half the Story, Says Specialist Stem Cell Bank BioEden

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