New Low Testosterone Therapy Study Shows Male Hormone Testosterone May Contribute To Colon Cancer Reports Wright …

Posted: Published on December 21st, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Columbus, OH (PRWEB) December 21, 2014

As testosterone therapy lawsuit filings on behalf of men alleging heart attacks, stroke and blood clots from using testosterone products such as AndroGel and Androderm, continue to increase, a new study shows that the male hormone testosterone may increase the risk of men developing colon cancer. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in November, lead researcher, James Amos-Landgraf examined a group of male rats with naturally occurring colon cancer. Dr. Amos-Landgraf, an assistant professor of veterinary pathobiology at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, then removed testosterone from the rats and the colon cancer rates drastically decreased. When he placed the testosterone back into the rats, the colon cancer rates returned to normal. Dr. Amos-Landgraf, in a news release, said,by showing that removing testosterone from rats leads to a drastic decrease in colon cancer susceptibility, it appears that male hormones may actually contribute to colon tumor growth rather than female hormones being protective. Dr. Amos-Landgraf added that post-menopausal women are more susceptible to colon cancer due to the increase of their testosterone levels. Female hormones, such as estrogen, which help to protect against diseases, decreases after menopause. There are currently over 270 testosterone therapy lawsuits pending litigation in Illinois that contend men taking the low testosterone treatment drugs such as AndroGel, Androderm, Testim and other Low-T medicines caused them to suffer heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiac events. (In re: Testosterone Replacement Therapy Product Liability Litigation MDL No. 2545) [, November 18, 2014][, December 10, 2014]

Men who suffer from low hormone testosterone are prescribed testosterone replacement therapy products to boost their natural testosterone levels. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved testosterone products to treat hypogonadism, which is low testosterone levels in men due to an underlying medical condition. However, the FDA announced in January that it is re-evaluating the safety and effectiveness of testosterone replacement therapy products after reviewing two observational studies. The first study the FDA reviewed was published in the November 2013 Journal of the American Medical Association. The study found that older men who had underlying cardiovascular disease and took testosterone replacement therapy had a 30 percent increased risk of having a stroke, heart attack or death compared to men who did not take low testosterone treatment. The second study the FDA reviewed was published in the PLOS One Journal in January 2014. This study found that men over 65 and younger men with a pre-existing heart disease were at a greater risk of having a heart attack within the first 90 days after taking low testosterone drugs for the first time. [, January 31, 2014] [ [, January 29, 2014] [, November 6, 2013]

Wright & Schulte LLC is offering free legal consultations for men who used testosterone drugs such as AndroGel and Androderm and contend they experienced severe and life-threatening side effects such as heart attacks or strokes during their treatment. To learn more about filing a low testosterone therapy lawsuit, contact the attorneys at Wright & Schulte by visiting or calling 1-800-399-0795.

As part of its investigation into FDA-approved testosterone products, the federal agency convened a meeting in September of its Bone, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee and the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee to discuss the safety testosterone products. The two panels recommended that the FDA restrict the population of men who should be given prescription testosterone drugs, including men who have problems with low energy, low libido and other issues associated with aging, according to a New York Times report. The panels also recommended the FDA require manufacturers of testosterone drugs conduct new trials to assess the cardiovascular risks of associated with their testosterone products. According to Bloomberg, use of testosterone products such as AndroGel and Axiron doubled from 2010 to 2013 when 2.3 million men were prescribed testosterone treatment medication. [, September 17, 2014] [, September 18, 2014]

Testosterone lawsuits filed on behalf of men, or their survivors, who allege that they used testosterone replacement products such as AndroGel, Androderm and Testim and experienced side effects including heart attack, blood clots, strokes and death were consolidated in June for pretrial proceedings in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois. According to the courts master case list, 274 testosterone lawsuits are pending in the multidistrict litigation as of December 15. The lawsuits name six testosterone manufacturers including AbbVie, Actavis Pharma, Auxilium Pharmaceutical, Eli Lilly & Company, Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc., and their subsidiaries as defendants. The testosterone complaints purport that the testosterone manufacturers failed to warn doctors who prescribe the medication and their patients about the potential cardiovascular risks associated with testosterone products. (In re: Testosterone Replacement Therapy Product Liability Litigation MDL No. 2545)

About Wright & Schulte LLC Wright & Schulte LLC, an experienced personal injury firm, is dedicated to the belief that Americas legal system should work for the people. Every day, the attorneys of Wright Schulte LLC stand up for the rights of people who have been injured or wronged, and fight tirelessly to ensure that even the worlds most powerful corporations take responsibility for their actions. If youre looking for a law firm that will guarantee the aggressive and personal representation you deserve, please do not hesitate to contact Wright & Schulte LLC today. Free testosterone lawsuit case evaluations are available through, or call 1-888-399-0795.

Contact: Wright & Schulte LLC 812 East National Road Vandalia, Ohio 45377 1-800-399-0795

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New Low Testosterone Therapy Study Shows Male Hormone Testosterone May Contribute To Colon Cancer Reports Wright ...

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