Heartbroken former politician Bruce McFee and wife discover son aged 4 dead in bed

Posted: Published on January 28th, 2015

This post was added by Dr Simmons

A heartbroken former politician has paid tribute to a beautiful, smiling four-year-old son, after he passed away this weekend.

Bruce McFee had taken a step back from politics to care for Marten, who lived with severe cerebral palsy, with his wife Iris.

The youngster was discovered by his mother after passing away in bed on Sunday evening, reports the Daily Record.

Former West of Scotland MSP Bruce told the Paisley Daily Express: It was a bolt out of the blue because he was making good progress.

My wife Iris discovered him in his bed.

"He had had a good day, and had been out with his mum and brother at a park in Glasgow that has facilities for disabled children.

Iris came upstairs at 10.15pm with a cup of water for him because he usually woke up around 11pm feeling thirsty.

He wasnt moving and she came running in to me saying dial 999, Marten isnt breathing and has been sick.

When I held him, he was cold ... there was nothing. I started CPR and called 999, but he was gone.

A special Facebook page devoted to Marten and his progress made the sad announcement about his passing away.

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Heartbroken former politician Bruce McFee and wife discover son aged 4 dead in bed

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