March 26, 2014
Merck Licenses NanoBio Technology
Associated Press
ANN ARBOR, Mich., -NanoBio Corporationtoday announced a licensing agreement with a subsidiary of Merck &Co., Inc., known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, for theuse of its nanoemulsion (NE) adjuvant technology.
Under the agreement, Merck receives exclusive rights to NanoBio's NEadjuvant for use in an intranasal respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)vaccine and non-exclusive rights for use in an intranasal seasonalinfluenza and/or universal seasonal influenza ("Flu") vaccine. NanoBioreceives an upfront payment and is eligible to receive milestonepayments based on Merck RSV and Flu vaccine candidates' developmentand regulatory approvals, as well as royalties on sales of any MerckRSV or Flu vaccines that ultimately use the NanoBio NE adjuvanttechnology.
NanoBio's NanoStat@ technology platform employs a novel oil-in-waternanoemulsion that can incorporate, deliver and adjuvant multipleantigen types. The NE adjuvant is effective when administered viaintranasal, intramuscular or subcutaneous vaccination. In recentstudies, NanoBio has demonstrated that intranasal vaccination elicitsrobust systemic and mucosal immunity, thereby offering enhancedprotection against respiratory infections and sexually transmitteddiseases compared to intramuscular vaccination.
"We've collaborated with Merck on research in RSV since 2011 and arevery pleased to broaden our relationship with this license agreementcovering vaccine candidates for two respiratory diseases," said DavidPeralta, chief executive officer of NanoBio. "Merck's demonstratedleadership in developing and marketing vaccines makes them an idealpartner for NanoBio."
This is an example of successful translational research. The RSV NE adjuvant vaccine technology was originally developed at the Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences in collaboration with NanoBio Corp. with a $1,997,507 grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
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