Texas Research : Stem Cell Cite

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2016

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Posted by admin on November 25, 2014 Leave a Comment

Texans for Stem Cell Research (TSCR), proudly announces its participation in the World Stem Cell Summit, 2014 in San Antonio November 25th, 2014 | Texans for Stem Cell Research (TSCR), proudly announces its participation in the World Stem Cell Summit, 2014 in San Antonio, Texas, December 2-5th, 2014. TSCR will co- host a Welcoming Party for the Genetics Policy Institute, the organizer of the Summit, along with the City of San Antonio and the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation. This event will be held at the San Antonio Convention Center LDR Room, 200 E. Market St. The event will be from 7:30-10:30 pm on December 2, 2014. Featured speakers include Dr. Doris Taylor of the

Posted by admin on February 10, 2014 Leave a Comment

February 9, 2014, 7:00 PM|What 60 Minutes Lesley Stahl learned while reporting on the surprising medical differences between males and females Watch 60 Minutes Overtime Recommend on FacebookTell a friend

Posted by admin on January 23, 2014 Leave a Comment

Scientists have known for years that stem cells in male and female sexual organs are regulated differently by their respective hormones. In a surprising discovery, researchers at the Childrens Medical Center Research Institute at UT Southwestern (CRI) and Baylor College of Medicine have found that stem cells in the blood-forming system which is similar in both sexes also are regulated differently by hormones, with estrogen proving to be an especially prolific promoter of stem cell self-renewal. The research, published in Nature, raises several intriguing possibilities for further investigation that might lead to improved treatments for blood cancers and increased safety and effectiveness of chemotherapy. Before the finding, blood-forming stem cells were thought to

Category Blood, Children, Headlines, Pediatric, Stem Cells, Texas, Texas Research Tags Baylor College of Medicine, blood-forming stem cells, Daisuke Nakada, estrogen, Hideyuki Ogur, hildrens Medical Center Research Institute, hormones, Mary McDermott, pediatric genetics, Sean Morrison, stem cells, UT Southwestern Medical Center

Posted by admin on January 7, 2014 Leave a Comment

Bold New Alliance Among Houstons Leading Health Care Providers to Transform Care Delivery in the Region Clinical Services, Research and Education Greatly Enhanced by New Collaborations for CHI, St. Lukes, Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Heart Institute HOUSTON (Jan. 7, 2014) Three of the regions leading medical institutions Baylor College of Medicine, CHI St. Lukes Health and the Texas Heart Institute have significantly expanded and enhanced their long-standing educational, clinical and research affiliations in conjunction with Englewood, Colo.-based Catholic Health Initiatives, which sponsors and operates the newly named CHI St. Lukes Health. Catholic Health Initiatives, one of the nations largest health systems, announced today that CHI St. Lukes has partnered with Baylor

Posted by admin on November 26, 2013 Leave a Comment

The city of San Antonio will invest $200,000 in a biotech startup founded to develop new advances in stem-cell technology. City Council voted Thursday to invest in StemBioSys, Inc. through a grant to the San Antonio Economic Development Corporation. The money will be used for stem-cell research, development and manufacturing. StemBioSys, founded in 2010, holds two patents and has three others pending. The company has four employees and will hire at least two more in the next year. The company was formed by Dr. Xiao-Dong Chen, a professor at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and Dr. Steven Davis, a San Antonio dermatologist, using licensed stem-cell technology Chen created at the university.

Posted by admin on November 19, 2013 Leave a Comment

Research with mice may someday help people recovering from heart attacks, scientists say New insight into the hearts ability to repair itself could help scientists develop ways to improve recovery after a heart attack, a new study of mice suggests. Researchers found that a signaling pathway called the Hippo pathway normally blocks heart repair in adult mice. When certain signals were removed, the animals hearts were able to regenerate after being damaged. This was because specialized heart cells called cardiomyocytes were able to multiply much better after the signals were removed, an ability that is normally lost in damaged hearts, according to the researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine and the Texas

Posted by admin on October 16, 2013 Leave a Comment

Daria O Brians Science Club Adventures in Time Not currently available on BBC iPlayer Series 2 Episode 2 of 6 Dara O Briain and the team go on a journey through time to discover what it is and how to get more of it. Watch Video Recommend on FacebookTell a friend

Category Body Parts, For the Kids!, Organs, Stem Cells, Texas, Texas Research, Videos Tags BBC, Daria O Brian's Science Club, Doris Taylor, For the Kids!, Helen Czerski, organs, Texas Heart Institute

Posted by admin on September 13, 2013 Leave a Comment

HOUSTON Gov. Rick Perry today announced a $3 million investment through the Texas Emerging Technology Fund (TETF) to create the Center for Cell and Organ Biotechnology in collaboration with the Texas Heart Institute (THI) and Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. This center represents another step toward making Texas the forefront of biotechnology for generations to come, Gov. Perry said. The investment is all a part of the culture of creation weve nurtured in Texas, built upon the concept that if you give bright and visionary people the freedom to innovate and pursue their dreams, good things will happen. I could not be prouder that this life-affirming research will be

Posted by admin on June 20, 2013 Leave a Comment

Its a pioneering procedure. Doctors at Austins Heart Hospital are taking a patients own stem cells from bone marrow a few days after a heart attack and injecting those stem cells back into formerly blocked arteries. Dr. Roger Gammon is an Interventional Cardiologist who leads the research team at the hospital. He says, We think those stem cells in particular are most able to recover heart muscle and grow new blood vessels in an area which could save that heart muscle. This trial could be a critical next step in fighting the nations number one killer. Medication and surgery to open blocked arteries have dramatically improved survival rates for people with heart disease. But once

Category Headlines, Heart Attacks, Heart Disease, Heart Failure, Stem Cells, Texas, Texas Research, Videos Tags Austin's Heart Hospital, Bone Marrow, heart attack, Roger Gammon, stem cells

Posted by admin on June 19, 2013 Leave a Comment

Texas Heart Institute One of Many Hospitals Seeing Success in Organ Creation On average, 18 people die each day awaiting an organ donation one person is added to the waiting list for organ transplants every ten minutes. Although nearly 80 people receive an organ transplant per day according to OrganDonor.gov, the gap between donations made and those awaiting organs is devastating for those on the waiting list. There is good news on the horizon for the 100,000-plus people awaiting a transplant, however. Researchers in Texas and across the globe are working on a way to create organs from the patients own body. While 3D printed versions of large organs such as kidneys are

Category Headlines, Heart Disease, Stem Cells, Technology, Texas, Texas Research, Videos, World News Tags 3D printed, Doris Taylor, OrganDonor.gov, Stanford, stem cells, Texas Heart Institute

Posted by admin on May 30, 2013 Leave a Comment

Doctors at the Texas Heart Institute (THI) at St. Lukes Episcopal Hospital (SLEH) announced that they have performed an investigational procedure on six patients in a new FDA-approved clinical trial to evaluate therapy that uses regenerative cells derived from a patients own adipose (body fat) tissue to treat a severe form of heart failure. The trial, known as ATHENA, marks the first such study in the United States using adipose-derived regenerative cells, known as ADRCs, which are harvested using a technology developed by Cytori Therapeutics, a biotechnology company that specializes in cell therapies. Previous studies in Europe have shown the safety and feasibility of the therapy. We have found that body fat tissue is a

Category Adipose, Headlines, Heart Disease, Heart Failure, Stem Cells, Technology, Texas, Texas Research Tags adipose, ADRC, Cytori Therapeutics, Fat-Derived Regenerative Cells, heart failure, James T. Willerson, Texas Heart Institute

Posted by admin on April 30, 2013 Leave a Comment

Texas Heart Institute not concerned about changes at St. Lukes A spokesman for Texas Heart Institute said the center does not have any ongoing research that would be in direct conflict with the faith-based medical care of Denver-based Catholic Health Initiatives. The St. Lukes Episcopal Health System said April 19 it decided to sell to CHI, the nations second-largest faith-based health system. Shortly after, concerns arose about whether the Catholic provider would eliminate any procedures currently offered at St. Lukes. The Texas Heart Institute is affiliated with but not owned or governed by St. Lukes, though it is housed within St. Lukes Episcopal Hospital in the Texas Medical Center. CHI issued a statement April 26

Category Headlines, Heart Disease, Heart Failure, Stem Cells, Technology, Texas, Texas Research, Vascular Disease, World News Tags Catholic Health Initiatives, CHI, Denton Cooley, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Texas Heart Institute

Posted by admin on April 25, 2013 Leave a Comment

Latest advances in treatment for Alzheimers,traumatic brain injury and stroke to be presented at symposium AUSTIN, Texas (April 24, 2012) Some of the countrys leading practitioners will discuss the cutting-edge treatments and imaging techniques being developed to treat Alzheimers, traumatic brain injury and stroke at a symposium on May 1 in Austin. Collaborating for Cures: Research, Rehabilitation & Treatment for Alzheimers, Brain Injury & Stroke will feature presentations on The Promise of Stem Cells; Current treatment of closed head injury, Disorders of consciousness, Imaging in dementia, Drug screening for degeneration, Pain syndrome after stoke, Emerging therapeutics in ischemic stroke and Neurorecovery vs neurorehabilitation as well as provide a forum for leading scientists in the

Category Alzheimer's, Headlines, Preclinical, Stroke, Texas, Texas Research Tags Alzheimers, brain injury, CORE Health Care, Core Health Foundation, Moss Rehabilitation & Research Institute, Nantz National Alzheimers Center, NeuroTexas Institute, Reliant Austin Rehabilitation Hospital, Seton Brain & Spine Institute, St. Davids HealthCare, Stroke, Texans for Stem Cell Research, Texas Cures Education Foundation, TIRR Memorial Hermann, UT Southwestern

Posted by admin on March 1, 2013 Leave a Comment

Reprogramming Adult Cells to Stem Cells Works Better with One Gene Turned Off The removal of a genetic roadblock could improve the efficiency of converting adult cells into stem cells by 10 to 30 times, report scientists from The Methodist Hospital Research Institute and two other institutions in the latest issue of Cell. The discovery six years ago that scientists can convert adult cells into inducible pluripotent stem cells, or iPSCs, bolstered the dream that a patients own cells might be reprogrammed to make patient-specific iPSCs for regenerative medicine, modeling human diseases in petri dishes, and drug screening, said Rongfu Wang, Ph.D., Principal Investigator and Director of the Center for Inflammation and Epigenetics. But reprogramming

Category Drug Discovery, Headlines, Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells, Texas, Texas Research Tags Center for Inflammation and Epigenetics, drug screening, epigenetic, inducible pluripotent stem cells, Regenerative Medicine, Rongfu Wang, The Methodist Hospital Research Institute

Posted by admin on February 22, 2013 Leave a Comment

A University of Texas spinoff company has pulled in $2 million to test a new technique for culturing non-embryonic stem cells. According to a regulatory filing, StemBioSys raised at least $2 million of a $3.5 million equity offering. A company representative was not available to elaborate, but CEO Dr. Steven Davis told the San Antonio Business Journal last year when the company began raising the round that it would fund research projects to validate the quality of the stem cells generated by the companys technology. StemBioSys is developing XC-marrow ECM, a propriety three-dimensional culture for growing mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow, adipose tissue and umbilical cord blood. These immature cells have multiple potential uses

Posted by admin on February 7, 2013 Leave a Comment

Every week, it seems, theres a new breakthrough in 3-D printing that promises us the ability to (eventually) fabricate some new thing in one of those glass-walled wonder boxes. Such things have included everything from spare parts for the International Space Station above to the beef on our dinner plates to the organs inside our bodies. Although this last idea of fabricating body parts may seem the most fanciful, a team of scientists is reporting a breakthrough in 3-D printing using human embryonic stem cells that could purportedly lead to life-like bioengineered tissue and, eventually, artificial organs tailor-made for specific patients. Researchers have been able to engineer tissue samples in then past by combining artificial

Posted by admin on January 27, 2013 Leave a Comment

Doris Taylor and her team are building new organs, hoping to reverse disease, maybe even the aging process By Maggie Galehouse | January 23, 2013 It sounds like science fiction, but it is isnt. On the ninth floor of the Texas Heart Institutes Denton Cooley building, Doris Taylor and her team are building human hearts, with help from pigs and stem cells. We think a pig heart is a perfect scaffold for a human heart, based on its structure and size, says Taylor, a passionate scientist with a Ph.D. in pharmacology. One recent morning, a pig heart hung suspended in a clear homemade tank in the lab built for Taylor and her team. Filled with

Category Headlines, Heart Disease, Heart Failure, Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells, Texas, Texas Research Tags Doris Taylor, Houston Chronicle, Jame T. Willerson, Maggie Galehouse, Regenerative Medicine, stem cells, Texas Heart Insitute

Posted by admin on January 21, 2013 Leave a Comment

After a nationwide competition, Texas Heart Institute at St. Lukes Episcopal Hospital has been chosen as the Biorepository Core Lab for the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institutes network of cardiac stem cell research centers. The seven centers, collectively known as the Cardiovascular Cell Therapy Research Network, are home to a network of physicians, scientists and support staff who work together to study stem-cell therapy for treating heart disease. The goals of the network are to complete research studies that will potentially lead to more effective treatments for patients with cardiovascular disease, and to share knowledge quickly with the health care community. Read Full Story Recommend on FacebookTell a friend

Posted by admin on January 8, 2013 Leave a Comment

Scar Tissue In Damaged Hearts Reprogrammed By Gene Therapy Into Healthy Heart Muscle A cocktail of three specific genes can reprogram cells in the scars caused by heart attacks into functioning muscle cells, and the addition of a gene that stimulates the growth of blood vessels enhances that effect, said researchers from Weill Cornell Medical College, Baylor College of Medicine and Stony Brook University Medical Center in a report that appears online in the Journal of the American Heart Association. The idea of reprogramming scar tissue in the heart into functioning heart muscle was exciting, said Dr. Todd K. Rosengart, chair of the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery at BCM and the reports corresponding

Posted by admin on January 4, 2013 Leave a Comment

The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM), the international organization representing the interests of the regenerative medicine community, today announced that 18 ARM members will be presenting at the Biotech Showcase 2013 meeting in San Francisco next week. Featuring company presentations by leading organizations in the industry, Biotech Showcase, produced by EBD Group and Demy-Colton Life Science Advisors, has emerged as a high profile forum for mid-, small- and micro-cap and private companies seeking access to the investor community and potential collaborators. Collectively, the ARM members presenting will showcase the wide scope of progress that is taking place in the regenerative medicine and cell therapy field. (Press Release) Recommend on FacebookTell a friend

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Texas Research : Stem Cell Cite

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