Parkinson Disease Cure, Parkinson Cure Treatment through …

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2016

This post was added by Dr Simmons

WHAT IS PARKINSON'S DISEASE? (L. Paralysis agitans)

Discovered by James Parkinson in 1817, Parkinson's disease has been previously identified many thousands of years ago in ancient Ayurvedic texts as Kampavata (Kampa: tremor; Vata: the bodily humor governing movement). The Caraka Samhita, the most ancient and authoritative textbook of Ayurveda, gives the following description of the symptoms of Kampavata (Parkinson's): 'Tremors of hands and feet; difficulty with body movements'. Various signs and symptoms currently associated with the disease such as akinesia, drooling, reptilian stare, tremor, constant somnolence, rigidity and dementia are also described in the Caraka Samhita.

Ayurveda operates on the principle of achieving balance amongst the 3 main doshas, or humors of the body, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata governs all air and movement in the body. Ayurveda explains that the cause of Parkinson's disease, a disorder caused by imbalance of the Vata dosha, is the presence of aggravated air in the brain. This aggravated air is formed as a result of poor digestion leading to disturbance of the stomach, and the stomach then sends aggravated, unhealthy air to the brain. Over time the aggravated air attacks and corrodes the area of the brain that controls involuntary movements. This corrosive effect on that area of the brain results in the Parkining symptom. Therefore cure of Parkinson's disease is the process of exchanging the aggravated air in the brain for clean and nutritive air, generated by the now properly functioning stomach. The apparent long-term treatment of Parkinson's by Ayurveda is due to the delicacy of creating a climate in which the toxic airs can be eliminated while fresh and wholesome airs are re-introduced. The process of healing is accelerated by strictly following diet, abstinence from intoxicants and undesirable life practices, for the simple reason that these factors are what contributed to the Parkinson's patient being afflicted by the disease.

The Allopathic view, which has been developed with no knowledge whatsoever that Parkinson's disease is curable through the proper practice of Ayurveda, has been able to identify the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, but has neither been able to identify its cause, nor develop an effective curative treatment. The Allopathic view of the cause of Parkinson's disease is that it evolves as the concentration of dopamine in the substantia nigra decreases, and concludes that Parkining symptoms become evident when the concentration of dopamine begins to drop below 20% of the normal level. As part of the decrease in dopamine concentration, the post-synaptic receptors within the caudate nucleus and the putamen develop hypersensitivity, therefore in Parkinson's disease, the dopamine receptors are hypersensitive simply because the concentration of dopamine has decreased. The basal ganglia control movement by two balance systems, one cholinergic and other dopanergic, in which the chemical transmitter is dopamine. In Parkinson's disease the dopanergic system is defective and the cholinergic system is dominant, and gradually the features of Parkinson's disease become visible. Given this as the Allopathic rationale for the cause of Parkinson's disease, it would seem that the proper re-introduction of dopamine to the brain would be an effective cure, which it is has not proven to be.

The cardinal symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease are:

Tremor Rigidity Akinesia/bradykinesia Postural instability

Secondary symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease include:

Drooling Freezing Reptilian stare Insomnia/Excessive somnolence Dementia Speech and swallowing disturbances Constipation Depression Excessive sweating Scaling, dry skin on the face and scalp Slow response to questions Small, cramped handwriting Soft, whispery voice

From the above description, we can see that Allopathy has been able to identify the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, but to date has not developed sufficient understanding of the disease to produce a cure.


Levodopa is the primary Western medicine for Parkinson's disease. Levodopa produces strong side effects that include:

Cramps Nausea Hypotension Constipation Lack of bladder control Interference with memory Emotional anxiety Changes in blood pressure Explosive diarrhea Dry itchy skin Dry eyes Intermittent effects which interfere with movement

It appears that the side effects of Levodopa bear an uncomfortable resemblance to the symptoms of Parkinson's disease that it is intended to treat, which raises the question if Levodopa is missing from the system, why does it exacerbate the Parkinson condition itself?

Ayurveda has effectively treated and cured Parkinson's disease for thousands of years. Through a combination of intensive research, ancient Ayurvedic sources, and the clinical experiences at the Sharma Ayurveda Clinic, Dr. Mukesh Paneri, a 6th generation Ayurvedic physician, has created Ayurvedic formulas and drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's. Dr. Mukesh Paneri personally formulates and prepares his own Ayurvedic medicines. These compounded Ayurvedic formulae may be adjusted if they produce minor effects such as occasional constipation and mild dizzy spells in the early phase of treatment, but such minor possible side effects are not contra-indicative of a cure. Unlike Western medicines, Dr. Paneri's treatment has cured patients completely from Parkinson's disease.

In recent times, Ayurveda has become a household word, and factory-produced versions of generic products bearing Ayurvedic names have begun to appear on the shelves of health food stores. These imitative medications should not be confused with the type of medications made by the Sharma Ayurveda Clinic, under the expert guidance of Dr. Mukesh Paneri. Not surprisingly, in manufacturing over-the-counter versions of specific Ayurvedic medicines, the same pressure to reduce cost by reducing quality is there, just as it is present in any mass-marketed product. For this reason, the handcrafted medicines from the Sharma Ayurveda Clinic are precious due to their authenticity and complete lack of compromise in the quality of the often very expensive ingredients used to compound them.

The powerful effect of the Ayurvedic cure developed by Dr. Paneri is that it addresses the cause, and not the symptom, of Parkinson's disease. Without this subtle understanding of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and their origins, it is not possible for Western medicine to develop an effective cure. Dr. Paneri has experienced great success in the remission of Parkinson's symptoms, and in many cases, the cure itself, after which the patient is no longer required to take any type of medication to remain free of Parkinson's disease.

First improvements are usually seen within 8 to 10 months, and 1 to 4 years later, the disease disappears 90% to 99%. The medicines do not have to be taken again. Referrals from cured patients and patients currently under treatment around the world are available through Dr. Paneri.


A World Parkinson's Centre for the cure of Parkinson's disease, to be located in Gujarat, India, is in the planning stage at this present moment. Headed by Dr. Mukesh Paneri, the World Parkinson's Centre will be an international Ayurvedic clinic for Parkinson's sufferers around the world to stay and be treated by Dr. Paneri through the ancient Indian medical system of Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic training, which takes more than 2 decades to complete, enables the practitioner to master all of the arts and skills required to compound often very complex formulae of Ayurvedic medicines, as well as to sharply learn the subtleties of disease identification by pulse. Even in the recent past, there were thousands of Ayurvedic doctors of advanced age in India, who were compounding their own medicines based upon their master/disciple training, often with their hereditary Ayurvedic dynasty. In the last two decades these thousands of medicine-preparing Ayurvedic doctors have vanished due to the attrition of old age, and due to the rigorous training involved, the children of these doctors did not choose to follow in their footsteps. Dr. Paneri, a 6th generation Ayurvedic doctor trained within his family of Ayurvedic doctors as well as Ayurvedic masters, is one of the very last doctors to produce his own medicine. One of the direct benefits of the World Parkinson's Centre is that these ancient formulae will be preserved in such a way that patients into the foreseeable future will be able to obtain relief from not only Parkinson's, but a large number of other rare and nearly untreatable diseases as well.

This facility will feature Ayurvedic spa treatments, Pancha Karma treatments, physical therapy treatments, Ayurvedic massage, a variety of herbal and mineral hydrotherapies, organically grown Ayurvedic diet specific to Parkinson's sufferers, as well as herbs and other materials to be grown on the premises that are required for the formulation of Ayurvedic Parkinson's medicine. Full entertainment and educational programs will be available, including programs that give deep and insightful understanding of Ayurveda made comprehensible to the Western mind. A large Goshala of several hundred milk cows will supply fresh milk and ghee for the patients and their families. Large rooms and suites will be available so that relatives of Parkinson's patients can accompany their loved ones to the Centre as well, along with many amenities to produce a comfortable and pleasant stay for both the Parkinson's patients and those who may be accompanying them from America, Europe, Australia and other countries.

Upon departure from the World Parkinson's Centre after the recommended period of one month's time, highly-trained nurses will be available to travel with Parkinson's patients to help create the lifestyle changes needed in their homes and maximize the effective treatment, which will include food preparation as well as abstinence from harmful habits.

A portion of the fees for staying at the World Parkinson's Centre will be used to endow a nonprofit organization that will make these medicines available on a sliding scale to those who could not afford them otherwise.


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Parkinson Disease Cure, Parkinson Cure Treatment through ...

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