A Counterpoint Paper: Comments on the Electrocardiographic Part of the 2018 Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction – DocWire News

Posted: Published on May 8th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

The Fourth Universal Definition ofMyocardial Infarction(FUDMI) [published simultaneously in 2018 in numerous journals including Circulation, Journal of the American College of Cardiology and European Heart Journal] focuses mainly on the distinction between non-ischemicmyocardialinjury andmyocardial infarction(MI), along with the role of cardiovascular magnetic resonance, in order to define the etiology ofmyocardialinjury. As a consequence, there is less emphasis on updating the parts of the definition concerning the electrocardiographic (ECG) changes related to MI. Evidence ofmyocardialischemia is a prerequisite for the diagnosis of MI and the ECG is the main available tool for i) detecting acute ischemia, ii) triage and iii) risk stratification upon presentation. This review focuses on multiple aspects of ECG interpretation that we firmly believe should be considered for incorporation in any future update to the Universal Definition of MI.

Our counterpoint view is that: a) the use of the ECG following coronary artery bypass surgery should be better explored and defined; b) the emphasis in the FUDMI on convex versus concave ST-elevation, which is questionable, should be balanced by the fact that many patients with true ST-elevation MI (STEMI) present with a concave form of ST elevation; c) reciprocal ST-depression in STEMI caused by right coronary artery or left circumflex artery occlusion, should be set against the fact that not all anterior STEMIs present with reciprocal ST-depression which can also be seen in cardiomyopathy and left ventricular hypertrophy; d) the posterior leads V7-V9 should be placed on a horizontal line from V4, rather than follow the 5th intercostal space; e) ST-depression in V1-V3 is not a manifestation of ischemia of the basal inferior segment, placed horizontally; f) Interpreting ST-T changes in patients with conduction abnormalities and pacemakers should be further defined.

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A Counterpoint Paper: Comments on the Electrocardiographic Part of the 2018 Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction - DocWire News

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