After Irrfan Khans death from colon infection, the 7 symptoms to look out for – The Sun

Posted: Published on April 29th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

SLUMDOG Millionaire actor Iffran Khan has died after a suspected colon infection, it emerged today.

The 53-year-old was admitted to intensive care in India but passed away, his representative confirmed.

The actor had been battling cancer for a number of years and was said to have been responding well to treatment.

He revealed his cancer diagnoses in 2018 saying he had an endocrine tumour and received treatment at a London hospital.

He was rushed to a hospital in Mumbai yesterday with a colon infection and his agents said he died surrounded by his family.

But what is a colon infection, how is it caused and what are the signs you should be watching out for?

The colon is also known as the large intestine, and forms part of the bowel.

It removes water from digested food and the remaining waste - the stool - moves through the colon to the rectum where it leaves the body.

A colon infection occurs when the colon becomes inflamed, this is referred to as colitis.

It is a disease of the gut and it can be debilitating and deadly for sufferers if it is not treated effectively.

There are different types of the infection, and while its not yet clear which one Khan died from, they can vary from the contraction of parasites to poor blood supply.

Colon infections are caused due to a myriad of reasons and can differ from person to person. But what are the most common symptoms of a colon infection?

1. Urgent bowel movements

2. Abdominal pain

3. Fever

4. Nausea

5. Weight loss

6. Fatigue

7. Diarrhea with blood

If your symptoms continue you must seek help from a health practioner. The first sign of a complication is when pain starts to become severe, leaving you unable to undertaken your usual day to day tasks.

Khans death is an extreme example of a colon infection and many people across the UK live with colon conditions such as ulcerative colitis.

Your colon can often become infected by contaminated water, illness or poor hygiene. In patients with ulcerative colitis, a persons immune system can often mistake harmless bacteria as a threat. The body then attacks the colon, causing it to become inflamed.

Experts are unclear as to why the body reacts this way, but some medics believe it is down to environmental and genetic factors.

Ischemic colitis is also another strand of the infection, this is when the blood flow to the colon is reduced, causing infection.

Allergic reactions can also have an impact on some patients, but this is found to be more so the case within infants and young children.

Colitis can also be induced by various medications.

Anti-inflammatory medications have been linked to inflamed colons in some cases.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, that are used to reduce inflammation and pain could put elderly patients, or those with underlying health conditions who use the medication on a regular basis at a higher risk of contracting a colon infection.

If you are worried you may have a colon infection then you should always seek medical advice.

Symptoms of the infection may differ but underlying symptoms include experiencing diarrhoea with blood as well as urgent bowel movements.

You may also experience abdominal pain, nausea and weight loss.

If you have any of these symptoms you should contact your local GP, who will offer a blood or stool sample in order to determine the cause of your symptoms.



There are a variety of treatments and remedies for a colon infection and this all depends on the severity of the infection.

Anti-inflammatory medications can be issued to patients who have milder continuous symptoms, in order for them to be able to manage the conditions.

Mild to moderate symptoms can be treated at home but if pain persists and the condition starts to have an impact on your quality of life then colon removal surgery can be an option.

Antibiotics can also be prescribed to people suffering with the condition, but severe conditions often result in hospital treatment, so the patient can be effectively monitored.

Read more from the original source:
After Irrfan Khans death from colon infection, the 7 symptoms to look out for - The Sun

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