Anonymous SONG – Video

Posted: Published on January 18th, 2013

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Anonymous SONG
ANONYMOUS! SONG music:Uprising-muse Mi vagyunk az er #337;. ljnk alkotmnyos jogunkkal,s npszavazssal zrjuk be a parlamentet. Minden fontos krdsr #337;l npszavazst kell tartani,gy drgbb,de nincs rszrehajls,teht sokkal olcsbb lesz neknk a vgeredmny. Ne bzzuk a legfontosabb krdseket korrupt politikusokra. Ez a megolds. A mdszer:Izlandi tps csendes szavazs. A rendszer azt vrja,hogy #65279; az utcra menj,s ott kedvre meglhesse (vletlenl) nagyjainkat.Ha eredmnytelen a szavazs:Sztrjk AZONNALI VLTOZST KVETELNK ! Join the Uprising! We are Anonymous. Do not forget, do not forgive. Count on us! The paranoia is in bloom, the PR The transmissions will resume They #39;ll try to push drugs Keep us all dumbed down and hope that We will never see the truth around (So come on!) Another promise, another scene, another A package not to keep us trapped in greed With all the green belts wrapped around our minds And endless red tape to keep the truth confined (So come on!) They will not force us They will stop degrading us They will not control us We will be victorious Interchanging mind control Come let the revolution take its toll if you could Flick the switch and open your third eye, you #39;d see that We should never be afraid to die (So come on!) Rise up and take the power back, it #39;s time that The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that Their time is coming to an end We have to unify and watch our flag ascend They will not force us They will stop degrading us They ...

By: starky dell

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Anonymous SONG - Video

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