Antibiotic Erythromycin taken in pregnancy linked to cerebral palsy and epilepsy

Posted: Published on March 26th, 2015

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Erythromycin is an antibiotic given for urinary and chest infections Is prescribed during recurrent illness or for people allergic to penicillin Researchers called for a safety review but stressed increased risk is small Overall, study found antibiotics taken during pregnancy were safe

By Fiona Macrae, Daily Mail Science Correspondent

Published: 13:15 EST, 25 March 2015 | Updated: 07:02 EST, 26 March 2015



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Pregnant women have been warned that a type of antibiotic could harm their unborn baby.

Researchers from Great Ormond Street Hospital and University College London have linked erythromycin pills with epilepsy and cerebral palsy.

The study tracked the health of babies born to 200,000 British women. Overall, the babies born to women who took antibiotics were no more likely to develop epilepsy or cerebral palsy.

Woman have been warned the common antibiotic erythromycin could harm their unborn baby (file photo)

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Antibiotic Erythromycin taken in pregnancy linked to cerebral palsy and epilepsy

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