Artificial Intelligence on College Campuses Around the World –

Posted: Published on April 4th, 2024

This post was added by Dr Simmons

James Keck


Two of the most interesting letters around college campuses and all over the word are, AI. Artificial Intelligence has been taking over the scene on college campuses across the country, but the question is how are campuses controlling the use.

Artificial Intelligence is not something new in the last few years, in fact it dates back to the mid 20th century and the term was created by John McCarthy in 1956, but the use of it has become higher because it is now more accessible. The ability to log on to one of these sites and have a fake picture, information, or anything you want digitally created in the matter of seconds has been the reason for the surge into the space.

For Benedictine University, they have several pieces of information in the handbook talking about the use of AI, but the University has even gone to the lines of creating the AI task force that is constantly trying to figure out the best solution or the existence of AI on campus.

There are clear concerns with AI including plagiarism, inaccurate information, and possibly student relying on it too much for their everyday assignments. These concerns have created many task forces like the one at Benedictine that sits down to try and figure out the best methods for students using AI.

I suppose AI could negatively impact students, but I anticipate that itll be yet another dimension of digital literacy, and I must test that our students, as digital naives, will navigate AI with an open mind and a critical perspective, said Gregory Ott, a Benedictine University writing professor.

That has been the consensus around Benedictine and other campuses in the country, that professors do not want to stop you from using AI, but instead make sure students are using it accordingly and not relying on it to write your entire essay for you.

The tough part is finding out which things it can be useful for, that would require trial and error to find out which items AI can be used on and what it shouldnt be used on, said senior Ryan Gilbert.

Many professors on this campus heavily encourage the use of AI, and in fact some students are required to complete AI courses online to become certified in the use of artificial intelligence.

This comes down to the fact that technology is constantly expanding and becoming easier to gather information, so now universitys around the world need to figure out ways to control the use of AI but not take it away from students at the same time. There is no doubt that it is a very powerful and useful aid for students, but it will also propel them into their future because the use of AI does not stop after college, but for a lot of professions it will be used in everyday life at future jobs.

AI is a great tool to augment what you do but we have to have humans checking the work, said Patty Patria, the Chief Information Officer at Babson College. If we are not checking the work that AI is generating, then we are not using it properly.

I consider AI an auxiliary took. Those in-class conversations about AI can lead to more confidence in independent reading, thinking, and writing processes, said Gregory Ott.

AI will be around and used by students of all ages, and now universities and school have to find the best ways to set policies in place to get rid of the negatives including plagiarism and inaccurate information.

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Artificial Intelligence on College Campuses Around the World -

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