Ask the GAL: Readers respond on how to help children in dependency

Posted: Published on July 25th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Last week I asked you to respond to the question: What can we, as a community or individually, do to help children in dependency? I want to share with you some excerpts of the 60 responses I received.

A: Individually I think we all have to be more vigilant and get involved when it comes to children. When we see abuse, I think it is our duty to get involved. As a society, I think the pharmaceutical companies should somehow bear the cost of taking care of some of these children born addicted to drugs. I know this is a stretch, but prescription drugs are responsible for so many problems that we, as a society, are going to have to pay for. I would love to start a class action law suit for every child in dependency because of prescription drugs.

-- Robert Hupalo

A: As a community, we can advocate to ensure that the medical profession, pharmacies and drug manufacturers are held accountable for any indiscriminate use of painkillers, in order to reduce criminal activity and the addictions that can lead to neglect of children.

-- Donna Townsend

A: Establish a local transportation service dedicated to dependent children.

-- Tim Tedesco

A: These children have lost their parents in many cases, are emotionally in shock, worried about what's going to happen next, who's going to look after them, they have low self-esteem, and are very vulnerable to negative influences. They need a competent, caring adult to show up in their life, listen to them, show interest in them, in what they think, what they feel, understand their needs, concerns; encourage them, let them know you believe in them, so they can start believing in themselves. That's part of what Guardians ad litem do. If they have a Guardian ad litem, they are more likely to stay out of trouble, stay in school, graduate, get adopted, go onto college. A life saved.

-- Dick Hunt

A: As a community member, one can donate financially to The Children's Guardian Fund. This is a fund set up to ensure children in the dependency system have equal opportunity of having nor

See the rest here:
Ask the GAL: Readers respond on how to help children in dependency

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