Assurances given over new pharmacy planned for Workington housing estate

Posted: Published on July 25th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

By Karen Evans

Last updated at 12:47, Wednesday, 25 July 2012

A pharmacy which will take over Mills Papershop in the Moorclose shopping precinct in Workington will only service drug users from that area with a methadone service, its owners have said.

Saeed Ltd Chemist chain, which will transform the papershop on Westfield Drive, reassured residents at a Neighbourhood Forum meeting last night that drug users would be supervised when taking their prescription on site.

Zubair Malik, partner of the chain, said that they would be taken into a private consultation area within the chemist to take their medication.

He added that any trouble would be reported to the NHS where users medication would be stopped or they would be asked to attend another pharmacy to take their medication.

In June residents raised concerns that the service would lead to drug users congregating outside and causing a nuisance when they came to collect their medication.

Mr Malik said: I will treat those patients with the same level of respect as I treat all my patients.

I want to help those people and to help them move forward with their lives and offering this service will help them do this.

The service will only be offered to people living in the Moorclose area, not the whole of Workington.

Original post:
Assurances given over new pharmacy planned for Workington housing estate

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