Ataxia Facts « ataxia treatment .com

Posted: Published on December 30th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

The types of ataxia treated with Beikes umbilical cord blood stem cells have been mostly genetic spinocerebeller ataxia (SCA), general spinocerebeller or idiopathic ataxia from unknown causes with Friedrichs Ataxia being the most frequent type treated.

Beikes umbilical cord blood teem cells have been used in the treatment of genetic spinocerebeller ataxia (SCA), general spinalcerebeller and idiopathic ataxia from unknown causes. The most frequently treated type of ataxia have been Friedreichs and spinaocerebellar type 3 ataxia.

Ataxia telangiectasia, sensory ataxia and other types of ataxia not mentioned above have generally not been treated but please feel free to complete our medical form to get a definitive answer on whether your type of ataxia is treatable.

Cerebellar ataxia is the main type of ataxia that patients seek stem cell treatment for. Cerebellar ataxia implies dysfunction of the cerebellum and the symptoms vary depending on which part of the cerebellum is affected.

All forms of ataxia cause poor coordination. Other symptoms can include chest pain, shortness of breath and heart palpitations.

The prognosis for ataxia patients generally depends on the type of ataxia. Some types of ataxia can result in death usually, in the case of Friedreichs ataxia, due to respiratory, swallowing or cardiac problems. Freidreichs ataxia is one of the most serious types with 95% of patients being wheelchair-bound by age 45 and the average age of death being 37.7 years old.

Generally there is no conventional treatment for ataxia but physical therapy can help to reduce the noticeable symptoms. Beikes treatment protocol combines physical therapy with the stem cell transplant regimen to help maximize the effectiveness of the treatment.

Genetic ataxia usually causes the body to make abnormal proteins that affect nerve cells mostly in the cerebellum. As ataxia progresses and the nerve cells become less and less responsive to commands from the brain, coordination problems become more obvious.

Studies have shown that some types of ataxia, especially Friedreichs ataxia, result in a lower than normal frataxin, a mitochondrial protein. Lack of frataxin may make the nervous system, heart and pancreas highly susceptible to damage from free radicals. Based on this theory, scientists have tried to reduce the levels of free radicals by treating patients with antioxidants like coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E. There are clinical trials ongoing in the US and Europe to address this. Some leading researchers like Dr. Perlman at UCLA, feel that nutrition is very important to help slow down the onset of the symptoms of ataxia. She has a nutrition guide that can be found here.

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Ataxia Facts « ataxia treatment .com

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