Autism Treatment Under the Affordable Care Act

Posted: Published on September 27th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Lisa Ferri has two autistic sons, Nicholas and Tyler.

She credits the most common autism treatment, applied behavioral analysis or ABA, with their success.

"All the things that are instinctual for us and all the things that we kind of take for granted and come naturally, he had to learn absolutely everything."

New York State is one of 37 states who require ABA to be covered by insurance plans, and it seems President Obama's Affordable Care Act will compliment that.

"It really is a positive thing. Instead of relying on fighting the school district or other entities to cover this kind of therapy, they'll get coverage under their insurance plan like they would for any other illness," said Bryce Miler, director of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders.

The Center held an information session for parents at its Fairport office Thursday. Miler says out-of-pocket costs may still be a factor for families.

"The premiums are going to be higher for the better benefits," Miler said.

Miler says many children require ABA treatment; about 30 hours a week.

For the past few years, Ferri says schools have started to offer the services but not enough. She says private, at-home sessions are about $100 an hour.

"Having this insurance coverage would be fabulous because it's now a way to get home services covered in addition to what they receive at school," Ferri said.

Read more:
Autism Treatment Under the Affordable Care Act

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