Autistic Living ABA Home Therapy Part One – Video

Posted: Published on January 29th, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons

12-08-2011 19:36 ABA Home Therapy Example. When my daughter was first diagnosed with autism I was looking into beginning home therapy. All the video examples that I could find made me a little worried and my husband cringe. The majority of examples that we found showed a home that had been consumed in therapy toys, doll houses and pretend play materials. I was like toys r us vomited all over there house. We couldn't find any remnant of adulthood in these clips. NOW please do not think that I am saying our home or therapy is any better or worse. I simply wanted to give a different perspective and show you who we have organized our 1200 square foot house to accommodate autism, a neuro typical 19 month old, and two adults. When we become therapists to our children it is all we do, think about and study. However in order to keep our individuality and our marriage strong we have to make sure we remember who we are without the autism diagnosis. Not having ABA therapy tools scattered around the house helps us take breaks from reality. We have found ways to containerize autism if you will so that when we are doing therapy the toys etc are out but when we are just a family those things are put away which allows us to be as normal as possible.

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Autistic Living ABA Home Therapy Part One - Video

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