BATMAN-MASSACRE–FBI-DHS-Issued-Theater-Attack-Warning-on-November-17-2012-(False-Flag,-Gun-Rights) – Video

Posted: Published on November 23rd, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

DHS Warned About Threats In Movie Theaters The Department of Homeland Security in a May 17, 2012 memo, warned that American movie theaters were increasingly likely targets for terrorist attacks, primarily because they packed many people into one tightly confined place. An early April 2012 suicide bombing of a theater in Somalia and a violent extremist communication advocating attacks on US theaters highlight terrorists #39; continued interest in attacking such venues. Although we have no specific or credible information indicating that terrorists plan to attack theaters in the United States, terrorists may seek to emulate overseas attacks on theaters here in the United States because they have the potential to inflict mass casualties and cause local economic damage. Colorado police have said that the Aurora killings do not appear to be linked to terrorist activity. Federal officials have confirmed a "sophisticated set-up" of explosives in the Aurora, Colorado apartment of James Holmes, the man suspected of killing 12 people and wounding 58 others at a movie screening late Thursday night. Five nearby buildings have been evacuated, and law enforcement officials are discussing ways of detonating or disarming the explosives, according to media reports on the ground. Aurora police chief Daniel Oates said the apartment was booby-trapped with various incendiary devices and chemical devices connected to trip wires. He added that the explosives are so complex, "police could be on the ...From:CashCapital47Views:0 0ratingsTime:02:00More inNews Politics

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BATMAN-MASSACRE--FBI-DHS-Issued-Theater-Attack-Warning-on-November-17-2012-(False-Flag,-Gun-Rights) - Video

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