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Be the Match raises money and enlists donors to help patients with blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma and sickle cell.
Organizers say common misperceptions of donations often make people hesitant to give, but doctors say treatment has progressed and so has the way marrow and stem cells are taken from donors.
"What we're able to do now is just extract the cells from your blood. It's not as invasive as it used to be. It really compares to donating plasma or platelets, if you're familiar with that. It's in a blood center setting. It's one day of your life, and you could potentially save a life," Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Patient Cristina Rodriguez said.
Organizers say 70 percent of patients are unable to find matches within their families. You can find out more information at
See the article here:
'Be the Match' seeks stem cell, marrow donors