Ben Parkinson: Britain's most badly injured soldier feel legs for first time in EIGHT years after 'miracle' treatment

Posted: Published on February 17th, 2015

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Britain's most badly injured surviving soldier has felt his legs again for the first time in EIGHT years after undergoing a pioneering new treatment.

Former paratrooper Ben Parkinson was maimed eight years ago when the Land Rover he was travelling hit a mine in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

The blast broke his back in three places and punctured his lungs.

Every single rib was broken, his spleen was ruptured and his cheek, nose and jaw were smashed.

Ben, then 22, was left in a coma for four months during which surgeons removed both his legs above the knees.

He also lost his speech and was left with debilitating brain injuries. But after a month undergoing the new treatment he is now able to walk up to TWO miles a day and his speech is showing marked improvement.

Mum Diane, 57, says his family have been astounded by his progress. Ben, now 30, woke up one night after feeling his legs for the first time in eight YEARS. Diane said: "It's absolutely marvellous. We could count about 20 changes in the past month - some big, some small.

"He's now walking about a mile and a half to two miles a day on crutches. The idea is to get his muscles used to it so they gradually remember the movements - muscles have their own memory.

"He got us all up one night saying he'd awoken because he could feel all the nerves in his legs wake up.

"It's been incredibly emotional watching him make the small steps to recovery."

Here is the original post:
Ben Parkinson: Britain's most badly injured soldier feel legs for first time in EIGHT years after 'miracle' treatment

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